
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.3) of this package.

PHP SDK for the Alpaca Trading API

v1.3 2020-01-13 18:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-01-29 03:48:14 UTC


This package acts as a PHP SDK for the Alpaca Trading API.

Also, check out the Polygon PHP SDK for real time data.


Use Composer to install package.

Run composer require tmarois/alpaca-php-sdk:^1.0

Getting Started

First you need to instantiate the Alpaca object.

use Alpaca\Alpaca;

$alpaca = new Alpaca("YOUR_API_KEY_ID", "YOUR_API_SECRET_KEY");

Example Usage

Get Account: Get the account details

// this will pull a request from alpaca to get account details
$account = $alpaca->account();

// here are some helper methods to quickly get the details
$number = $account->number();
$id = $account->id();
$status = $account->status();
$buyingPower = $account->buyingPower();
$cash = $account->cash();
$longValue = $account->longValue();
$shortValue = $account->shortValue();
$portfolioValue = $account->portfolioValue();

// gets the raw array from Alpaca
// view documentation for the correct keys
$raw = $account->raw();

Get Order: Get a specific order

$order = $alpaca->orders()->get('ORDER_ID');

Get All Orders: Get an array of all open orders

// get all open orders
$orders = $alpaca->orders()->getAll();

// get orders of specific types
// type: open, closed, or all
$orders = $alpaca->orders()->getAll($type,$limit,$dateFrom,$dateTo,$direction);

Cancel An Order: Cancel a specific order

$orders = $alpaca->orders()->cancel('ORDER_ID);

Cancel All Orders: Cancel all open orders

$orders = $alpaca->orders()->cancelAll();

Create An Order: Create a new order

    // stock to purchase
    'symbol' => 'AAPL',

    // how many shares
    'qty' => 1,

    // buy or sell
    'side' => 'buy',

    // market, limit, stop, or stop_limit
    'type' => 'market',

    // day, gtc, opg, cls, ioc, fok.
    // @see
    'time_in_force' => 'day',

    // required if type is limit or stop_limit
    // 'limit_price' => 0,

    // required if type is stop or stop_limit
    // 'stop_price' => 0,

    'extended_hours' => false,

    // optional if adding custom id
    // 'client_order_id' => ''

Replace An Order: Replaces an existing order

    'qty' => 1,

    // required if type is limit or stop_limit
    // 'limit_price' => 0,

    // required if type is stop or stop_limit
    // 'stop_price' => 0,

    // day, gtc, opg, cls, ioc, fok.
    // @see
    'time_in_force' => 'day',

    // optional if adding custom id
    // 'client_order_id' => ''

Get Position: Get an open position

$position = $alpaca->positions()->get('SYMBOL');

Get All Positions: Get all open positions

$positions = $alpaca->positions()->getAll();

Position Entity Response:

  "asset_id": "904837e3-3b76-47ec-b432-046db621571b",
  "symbol": "AAPL",
  "exchange": "NASDAQ",
  "asset_class": "us_equity",
  "avg_entry_price": "100.0",
  "qty": "5",
  "side": "long",
  "market_value": "600.0",
  "cost_basis": "500.0",
  "unrealized_pl": "100.0",
  "unrealized_plpc": "0.20",
  "unrealized_intraday_pl": "10.0",
  "unrealized_intraday_plpc": "0.0084",
  "current_price": "120.0",
  "lastday_price": "119.0",
  "change_today": "0.0084"

Close a Position: Close a position


Close All Positions: Close all open positions


Get Activity: Get the account activity, like order fills, dividends etc.

// type can be many, such as FILL, DIV, TRANS etc
// view on this page
$activity = $alpaca->activity()->get('TYPE');

There are more in the Alpaca Documentation than what is presented above, if you want to extend this, please send in a pull request or request features you'd like to see added. Thanks!


Anyone can contribute to alpaca-php-sdk. Please do so by posting issues when you've found something that is unexpected or sending a pull request for improvements.


alpaca-php-sdk (This Repository) is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

This SDK has no affiliation with, Alpaca Securities LLC and AlpacaDB and acts as an unofficial SDK designed to be a simple solution with using PHP applications. Use at your own risk. If you have any issues with the SDK please submit an issue or pull request.