
Symfony Console component with dependency injection, config handling, configurable command loading, and other niceties.

v2.0.1 2023-12-07 03:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-07 06:59:06 UTC


Symfony Console component plus dependency injection, config handling, easily configured loading of commands, STDIN as first argument, improvements to default command behavior, and other niceties.


Like most Symfony projects these days, you start with composer, requiring tjm/sy-console as a dependency. You'll create an application similar to how you would with the symfony component alone, but using the sy-console Application class and passing it configuration as an argument.

#!/usr/bin/env php
require __DIR__  . /'vendor/autoload.php';
use TJM\Component\Console\Application;
(new Application(__DIR__  . '/config.yml'))->run();

In the config file, you can set parameters, do imports, and configure services just like you would with a Symfony Standard app (although without a few of the niceties, like bundle path aliases). There is a 'tjm_console' key for configuring the app itself. This is where you set the name, version, and commands.

 foo: bar
  foo: '/foo/bar'
  bar: '/bar/foo'

  class: 'Foo\Component\Service\Paths'
  arguments: ['@service_container', %paths.settings%]
  class: 'Foo\Component\Service\Test'
  autowire: true
  resource: '%paths.project%/src/Command'
  tags: ['console.command']

 name: Test
 version: '1.0'
 rootNamespace: foo ## will alias all 'foo:' commands to the same names without the 'foo:'.  This is primarily to make commands easy to access but allow the same commands to be separated by namespace in another app
  'Foo\Component\Command': '/Foo/src/Command' ## loads all commands in 'Foo\Component\Command' namespace from '/Foo/src/Command' folder
  - 'Foo\Component\Other\Other2\Command' ## loads single command class 'Foo\Component\Other\Other2\Command' via autoloading

The commands key is an associative array, with the key being the namespace and the value being the folder or file path. If the key is numeric, then the value will be the namespaced class name of the command, and it will use the autoloader to load the class.

In Symfony 3+, you can also load classes as services, using the console.command tag, as seen in the services definition above.

Known Issues

When piping into a command, eg echo 'foo' | bin/console something, the Symfony question helper will act as if interactive is set to false, and thus will skip asking users for input, just using the default. This seems to be an issue with STDIN and PHP in general. I'm looking for a solution, but haven't found one yet. Since piping into the standard Symfony console doesn't even work, you may not notice.