
Library for support of the pdo_dblib (MSSQL) driver in Doctrine

dev-master 2015-12-12 13:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-01-07 04:41:53 UTC


Doctrine extension which allows to read Microsoft Access (.mdb) files via Doctrine DBAL in Symfony2.

It uses the PDO_ODBC PHP driver, so I think it could work with any connection, not only MS Access databases. It has been tested only on microsoft Windows XP.

It is not intented for ORM mapping, I've only used to import data from a older Microsoft Access program to Symfony2.

This extension is based on PDODblibBundle


Configure php.ini in your apache server. Add:


Then, restart apache2 server

Add the following lines into deps file:


Register it in the autoload.php file:

// app/autoload.php

    'Clalarco'          => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',

Now, run the vendors script to download the bundle:

$ php bin/vendors install

Create a connection

** Note: ** You need to separate the default connection in doctrine. Check Symfony2 Doctrine configuration.

The way I created a connection is via config.yml (or config_dev.yml). In windows it works using:

# config.yml

                driver_class: Clalarco\PDOAccessBundle\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMdbLib\Driver
                host: "{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=C:\path_to\file.mdb"
                user: Admin
                password: your_password

Replace C:\path_to\file.mdb with your path, and your_password with your password, if any, blank otherwise. 'msaccess' name can also been renamed.

In your controller, add the following lines to get the connection if your connection name is 'msaccess':


class MyController extends Controller
    public function myAction()
        $conn = $this->get('doctrine.dbal.msaccess_connection');
        // Once the connection is created, SQL queries are accepted.
        // Check Doctrine DBAL documentation for more information.
        $rows = $conn->fetchAll('SELECT * FROM my_table');

If a the connection is used in a command, the command to get the connection is:

        $conn = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getConnection('msaccess');


  • Improve code documentation.