
Package for codecombat.com REST API

v0.5.2 2018-03-29 16:10 UTC


PHP package for CodeCombat REST API

codecombat-api is a package for the CodeCombat REST API. It provides an abstracted interface to talk with the CodeCombat API. The Package contains a Laravel ServiceProvider to inject it into the Laravel Service Container, but other than that the package is framework-agnostic. Please look at the CodeCombat API Documentation for more details and do not be afraid to peruse the source code on this package.


composer require timutech/codecombat-api


You will preferably need to have your own OAuth2 server. You will need to have a lookup URL where CodeCombat can query an AccessToken you give them and then you will return the User on your system linked to that AccessToken. eg https://yoursite.com/api/auth/{token} which returns a User with a required id field.


Make sure you keep your CodeCombat OAuth {CLIENT_ID}, {CLIENT_SECRET} and {OAUTH_PROVIDER_ID} in whatever config you have as you will need it to instantiate an instance.


Add the line TimuTech\CodeCombat\CodeCombatserviceProvider::class, like below in your config/app.php file.

'providers' => [
	// Other


Add your CodeCombat OAuth credentials to your config/services.php file, as below.

// Other services

'codecombat' => [
    'id' => '{CLIENT_ID}',
    'secret' => '{CLIENT_SECRET}',
    'provider_id' => '{OAUTH_PROVIDER_ID}'


Refer to the source code for other functionality or create a pull request for addition of functionality. I will endeavour to keep adding features whenever I can.



$codecombat = new CodeCombat(

Create a new user

$user = {A user from your system}
$combatUser = $codecombat->register([
    'name' => $user->name, // UNIQUE Nick Name
    'email' => $user->email, // NEW Email,
    'role' => 'student' //or 'teacher'

Assign an OAuth Identity

$token = {YOUR OAuth2 token, generated for your user from your server}

Retrieve the user later

$handle = {UNIQUE Nick Name assigned earlier or the CodeCombat ID of the user, if you have it}
$combatUser = $codecombat->getUser($handle);

Get the url to redirect to CodeCombat

$token = {YOUR OAuth2 token, generated for your user from your server}
$url = $codecombat->setAuth($token)->redirect();

The TimuTech\CodeCombat\Resources\CombatUser class has some helpful methods and attributes, to name a few:


Once again, the source code is your friend.