
Symfony bundle that implements command chaining functionality.

dev-master 2022-03-29 09:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:41:16 UTC


ChainCommandBundle is a Symfony bundle that implements command chaining functionality. Other Symfony bundles in the application may register their console commands to be members of a command chain. When a user runs the main command in a chain, all other commands registered in this chain should be executed as well. Commands registered as chain members can no longer be executed on their own.


###Step 1:

Via composer

 composer require "timofiyprisyazhnyuk/chain-command-bundle": "*"

###Step 2:

Add bundle to "./config/bundles.php"


return [
    Timofiy\ChainCommandBundle\ChainCommandBundle::class => ['all' => true],

###Step 3 (OPTIONAL):

If you want to use Dynamically command chain with ChainCommandManager service:

  • Create alias in "./config/services.yaml"
Timofiy\ChainCommandBundle\Manager\ChainCommandManager: "@chain_command.manager"


  1. Dynamic: "ChainCommandManager::putToChain"
     * Some constructor
     * @param ChainCommandManager $chainCommandManager
    public function __construct(private ChainCommandManager $chainCommandManager)
        $this->chainCommandManager->putCommandToChain('root:command', 'member:command');
  1. Static: specifying chains in config files (in "./config")
  detailed_logging: # is detailed logging enabled
    enabled: true
    foo:hello:  # root command name
      - bar:hi:  # member command name
          arguments: { }  # arguments: { "-arg": "value", "--argWithoutVal": ~, "key": 'example value' }
          sort_index: 16  # sort_index: int - for sorting member commands
      - bar:hi:
          arguments: { }
          sort_index: 12


##You can install demonstration symfony bundles: