
A PHP SDK Client for Midtrans Iris

v1.0.0 2022-06-24 02:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-24 09:11:16 UTC



The Midtrans Iris PHP library is a API client library to communicate with the Midtrans Iris API mainly for disbursement & payout things.


NOTE: This library is only tested with the "aggregator" scheme although the API is pretty much complete. There are also a "facilitator" scheme, but it requires to have an account specific to that scheme to be able to test this library with the API key. For more information about the schemes please visit https://iris-docs.midtrans.com/#business-flow.



PHP 7.2.34 and later.


You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require timedoor/tmd-midtrans-iris

To use the library, use Composer's autoload:


Getting Started

The basic usage looks like:

$iris = new \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Iris([
    'approver_api_key'  => 'your_api_key',
    'creator_api_key'   => 'your_api_key',
    'merchant_key'      => 'your_merchant_key'

$beneficiaries = $iris->beneficiaries()->all();


For every service that you use, they might throw some exceptions like UnauthorizedRequestException, BadRequestException or GeneralException, so make sure you handle the exceptions that may occur.

All examples will assume that you've already setup iris and have the iris instance object named $iris.

Every models and dtos extends from \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Utils\DataMapper which will allow you to construct your models and dtos from an array aside from using the setter methods.


For every beneficiary, the alias_name will be used as a unique identifier. So make sure to use a unique value for the alias_name.

1.0 Get list beneficiaries


$beneficiaries = $iris->beneficiary()->all();

1.1 Create beneficiary


$request = \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\Beneficiary::fromArray([
    'name'          => 'John Doe',
    'bank'          => 'bca',
    'account'       => '141414141414',
    'alias_name'    => 'johndoe1',
    'email'         => 'john@example.com'

You could also use setters to construct your request model, like:

$request = (new \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\Beneficiary)
            ->setName('John Doe')

Creating the beneficiary

$result = $iris->beneficiary()->create($request);
var_dump($result) // ['status' => 'created']

1.2 Update beneficiary

Similar with creating beneficiary, but this will require one more attribute which is alias_name. Assuming the beneficiary you want to update will have alias_name of johndoe1

$request = \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\Beneficiary::fromArray([
    'name'          => 'Jane Doe',
    'bank'          => 'mandiri',
    'account'       => '1515151515',
    'alias_name'    => 'janedoe',
    'email'         => 'jane.doe@example.com'

$result = $iris->beneficiary()->update('johndoe1', $request);
var_dump($result) // ['status' => 'updated']

Bank Accounts

For bank accounts there will be some terms used in this scenario which is facilitator and aggregator. You can read more about it on https://iris-docs.midtrans.com/#business-flow.

WARNING: Only Aggregator scheme was tested with integration test with the Iris API.

Bank account service will be seperated into 3 services:

  • Base bank account service
  • Aggregator specific bank account service
  • Facilitator specific bank account service

2.0 Get bank account balance


$balance = $iris->bankAccount()->balance();
var_dump($balance); // int(10000) default is 0


Similar with getting account balance with base bank account service, you just need to add a AccountType parameter, for example:

$balance = $iris->bankAccount(\Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\AccountType::AGGREGATOR)->balance();


Just change the parameter to \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\AccountType::FACILITATOR

$balance = $iris->bankAccount(\Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\AccountType::FACILITATOR)->balance();

2.1 Get bank account list (facilitator)

This feature only available on a facilitator model. You can get a list of bank accounts that you own simply by using a helper method like below:

$balance = $iris->bankAccount(\Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\AccountType::FACILITATOR)->all();

This method will return an array of \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\BankAccount.

2.2 Validate bank account

You can ensure the validity of your user bank account using the validate method on bank account service like below:

$result = $iris->bankAccount()->validate('bca', '12345678');

This method take two parameters which is:

  • bank code
  • account number

And it will return a \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\BankAccountValidated on successfull call or an exception will be thrown if the account you validate is not valid. Please refer to this link if you want to find any supported bank accounts https://iris-docs.midtrans.com/#supported-banks or you can integrate with the built in method 2.3 Supported Banks.

2.3 Supported Banks

You can get all supported bank accounts in case you need to know which bank code to use or just to satisfy the UI design of your application. Refer to the example below to use it:

$result = $iris->bankAccount()->bankList();

This method return an array of \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\Bank.


This section will describe how you can use this library to manage your payouts. The Iris's API let us to create, approve, reject, get details and history of payouts with our account. To see more details about the Open API provided by Iris you can refer to this link: https://iris-docs.midtrans.com. In this section you will encounter some roles to interact with the API which is a creator and a approver each role has it's own specific job which will be described in the particular section.

2.0 Create payout(s)

This API is only for creator role and will allow you to create single or multi payout at once. Below is the example on how to use it:

$payouts = [
    (new \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Dto\PayoutRequest)
        ->setNotes('just an example payout'),
    (new \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Dto\PayoutRequest)
        ->setBeneficiaryName('Example 2')
        ->setNotes('just an example payout')

$result = $iris->payout()->create($payouts);

The method create on payout service only accept an array of \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Dto\PayoutRequest. You can construct the request using the setter method or you also could use the fromArray method since the \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Dto\PayoutRequest extends from the Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Utils\DataMapper.

This method will return an array of \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\Payout[] on successfull request whether you pass only a single or multiple payouts or an exception will be thrown if it fail.

2.1 Approve payout(s)

The next step after you create a payout is to approve it. This job will require a approver role. Payout approval request is pretty simple like this example:

$result = $iris->payout()->approve(['ref001', 'ref002'], '333333');

The approve method accept 2 arguments: an array of ref_nos or payout id and an otp. If it success it will return an array of ["status" => "ok"] or an exception will be thrown if it fails. For more information refer to this link https://iris-docs.midtrans.com/#approve-payouts.

2.2 Reject payout(s)

You can reject any payout(s) that has been created and the status is queued. For example:

$response = $iris->payout()->reject(['ref001'], 'the reason why you reject it');

When you reject payout, you will required to pass the reject reason but it doesn't require you to enter an otp like in approval. This method will throw an exception if it fails or an array will be returned if it success. For more info https://iris-docs.midtrans.com/#reject-payouts.

2.3 Get payout detail

To get a more detailed information about a payout, you can use this method. For example:

$payout = $iris->payout()->get('ref001');

This method will return a \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\Payout or it can also throw an exception if it fail.

Transaction History

You can get a history of transactions that has been saved into your account like payouts or topups. To get a list of transaction histories simply call the history method on the transaction service like below:

$transactions = $iris->transaction()->history();

This method actually takes 2 parameters of \DateTime object but its optional. And it will return an array of \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\Transaction.

There are a few rules and restrictions for filtering the history data by adjusting the $from and $to of the parameters, you can read more about it here https://iris-docs.midtrans.com/#transaction-history.

Top Up Channel Information

Before you can approve any payout(s), for the aggregator model you will need some balance in your account. To fill the balance in your account you need to top-up with certain amount of cash. This API will give you information to where should you transfer that certain amount to top-up your account balance. For example:

$channels = $iris->topUp()->channels();

This method will return an array of \Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Models\TopUpChannel.

Laravel Support

This package support Laravel out of the box. Once you install the package, all of the services will be available to you if you're using Laravel auto-discovery. After you install the package, you should configure the library according your own credentials:


Use it as dependency injection

public function index(Beneficiary $beneficiary)
    return $beneficiary->all();

You can also use the facade

use Timedoor\TmdMidtransIris\Facade as Iris;

Then use the service you need:

$payout = Iris::payout()->get('abc');

// or

$beneficiaries = Iris::beneficiary()->all();

Without Laravel auto-discovery

If you're using a version of Laravel without auto-discovery, you must specify the service provider in your config/app.php file:
