
Email infrastructure for skeleton

v0.3.9 2023-01-06 13:46 UTC



This library contains the email functionality of Skeleton


Installation via composer:

composer require tigron/skeleton-email
composer require tigron/skeleton-template-twig


Set the path for emails

\Skeleton\Email\Config::$email_path = $some_very_cool_directory;

The email path must have the following structure

- media
    - sample_media_dir1
        - image1.png
        - image2.png
    - sample_media_dir2
        - image3.png
    - image4.png
- template
    - email_type1
        - html.twig
        - subject.twig
        - text.twig
    - email_type2
        - html.twig
        - subject.twig
        - text.twig

Each email type must have its own directory containing the following files:

  • html.twig => the HTML version of the email
  • subject.twig => The subject line of the email
  • text.twig => The text version of the email

References to media in the mail content will be fetches from the media directory

Create a new mail:

$email = new \Skeleton\Email\Email('email_type1');
$email->set_sender('sender@example.com', 'Test sender');
$email->add_to('to@example.com' [, 'to name' ]);

 * Optional: translate the mail with a defined Translation object
$language = Skeleton\I18n\Language::get_by_id(2);
$application = 'email'; // Used to fetch the po file
$translation = Skeleton\I18n\Translation::get($language, $application);

 * Optional: add different recipient types
$email->add_cc('cc@example.com' [, 'cc name' ]);
$email->add_bcc('bcc@example.com' [, 'bcc name' ]);

 * Optional: add reply-to recipient
$email->add_reply_to('reply-to@example.com' [, 'reply-to name' ]);

 * Optional: attach file(s)

 * Optional: Archive mailbox. Send a copy of every mail to a given mailbox
\Skeleton\Email\Config::$archive_mailbox = 'my_archive@example.com';

 * Optional: Transport type. Send email using smtp or sendmail (default: sendmail)
 * When smtp is used at least a host and port are required.
 * Optionally you can also define which encryption is needed (ssl or tls)
 * and if authentication is required (username, password).
\Skeleton\Email\Config::$transport_type = 'smtp';
\Skeleton\Email\Config::$transport_smtp_config = [
    'host' => 'smtp.example.com',
    'port' => 25,
    'encryption' => 'ssl',
    'username' => 'foo',
    'password' => 'bar'

 * Optional: Assign variables
$email->assign('variable1', 'content1');

 * Send email