
Lightweight PHP7 client for a Telegram Bot API

3.2.4 2017-07-27 08:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-02 06:55:18 UTC


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Lightweight PHP7 client for a Telegram Bot API


Current API version: 3.2


  • PHP 7
  • Guzzle 6



The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require tigris/telegram-bot-api

or add

"tigris/telegram-bot-api": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json


Getting started

First you need to create api client instance

$httpClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$apiClient = new \Tigris\Telegram\ApiClient($httpClient);

Create api wrapper instance

$apiWrapper = new \Tigris\Telegram\ApiWrapper($apiClient);

Use api wrapper methods mapped directly to the Telegram Bot API

    'chat_id' => 123,
    'action' => \Tigris\Telegram\Helpers\ChatAction::TYPING,
    'chat_id' => 123
    'text' => 'Hello, World!',
    'parse_mode' => \Tigris\Telegram\Helpers\ParseMode::HTML,

Type mapping

Please note that every method call response call is being parsed into the corresponding type. We offer PHP classes for all of the API objects. For example, sendMessage() call would return an instance of \Tigris\Telegram\Types\Message objects. Objects, arrays, nested arrays, scalar values are fully supported by the type parser.

Getting updates

// Get array of the \Tigris\Telegram\Types\Updates\Update
$updates = $apiWrapper->getUpdates([
    'offset' => $this->offset,

// Process received updates
foreach ($updates as $update) {
    $this->offset = $update->update_id + 1;

Handling errors

By default every mapped method returns null value if an error occurs. You can change this behavior by adding callable error handler to your ApiWrapper instance.

$apiWrapper->setErrorHandler(function (\Exception $e) use ($logger) {

Going further

Please feel free to investigate the source code. All the api methods and types are fully documented. Please contact us in the gitter chat channel: https://gitter.im/tigris-php/tigris
