tightenco / laravel-elm
The Elm Laravel Platform
Installs: 2 312
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 24
Watchers: 13
Forks: 7
Open Issues: 0
- laravel/framework: ^8.0
Requires (Dev)
- orchestra/testbench: ^6.0
A Platform for Elm on Laravel
Tired of the paradox of choice and constant churn on the frontend?
Want a stable and opinionated platform to build on?
This package makes it seamless.
- Laravel 8
Some Elm knowledge required from here on!
- Pass values to your page
- Share values with all your pages
- Routing
- Validation errors
- Interop with Javascript
- Persistent scroll
- Progress indicators
- Debugging
- Laravel errors
- Devtools (Coming soon!)
- Deploying
- Configuration
- Testing
- Example apps
- Ensure you have an 8.x Laravel app ready (https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/installation)
- Now add the laravel-elm package
composer require tightenco/laravel-elm
- Run the
command, this will:- add the npm companion package for Laravel Elm
- setup your
for Laravel Elm - setup your
for Laravel Elm
php artisan elm:install
- Install the new npm dependencies
npm install
Optional Auth Scaffolding (Tailwind)
- Run the elm:auth command, this will:
- add all the routes & Elm pages for basic login/registration
- add
to yourweb.php
- setup
with the js script includes
php artisan elm:auth
Note: Don't forget to run
php artisan migrate
Watch your elm files just like you would everything else
Note: Elm compilation will be drastically faster than you are used to 🔥
npm run watch
And open your local site! (
valet link && valet open
) Try going to/login
General assets note!
You can add
to your.gitignore
if you wish to avoid committing these built files!
Creating a page
php artisan elm:create Welcome
this creates
Now use the Elm
facade to render your Elm Page!
Route::get('/', function () { return Elm::render('Welcome'); });
Hello, Example!
Some Elm knowledge required from here on
Learning resources
Pass values to your page
Update your Laravel route:
Route::get('/', function () { return Elm::render('Welcome', ['name' => 'John']); });
Update your Elm page:
- add imports for decoding to the top
- add the
field toProps
) - update
with thename
field - use
in yourview
module Welcome exposing (..) import Html exposing (Html, div, text) import Html.Attributes exposing (class) import Json.Decode exposing (Decoder, Value, decodeValue, string, succeed) import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (required) import LaravelElm exposing (Page, page) type alias Props = { name : String } type alias State = {} type alias Model = { props : Props , state : State } type Msg = NewProps Value | NoOp decodeProps : Decoder Props decodeProps = succeed Props |> required "name" string stateFromProps : Props -> State stateFromProps props = {} main : Page Model Msg main = page { decodeProps = decodeProps , stateFromProps = stateFromProps , update = update , view = view , newPropsMsg = NewProps } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg { props, state } = case msg of NewProps newProps -> ( { props = Result.withDefault props (decodeValue decodeProps newProps) , state = state } , Cmd.none ) NoOp -> ( { props = props , state = state } , Cmd.none ) view : Model -> Html Msg view { props, state } = div [ class "container mx-auto m-4 p-4" ] [ text <| "Hello, " ++ props.name ++ "!" ]
Share values with all your pages
use Tightenco\Elm\Elm; ... public function boot() { ... Elm::share('user', function () { return auth()->user() ? [ 'id' => auth()->user()->id, 'name' => auth()->user()->name, ] : null; }); } ...
Routing in Laravel Elm is handled completely by your Laravel routes!
However, we can use those routes in our Elm code in a built in way.
- Add a route, for example, our Welcome page, with a
Route::get('/', function () { return Elm::render('Welcome'); })->name('welcome');
- Run the
command to generate the Elm routes fileresources/elm/laravel-elm-stuff/Routes.elm
(don't edit this manually)
php artisan elm:routes
- Now we can send users to this page from Elm in our
handlers:Send the user to
Routes.get Routes.welcome
Or even post some data to an endpoint:
POST /todos
with the"description"
of"add more docs"
Routes.post <| Json.Encode.object [ ( "url", Json.Encode.string <| Routes.todosStore ) , ( "data" , Json.Encode.object [ ( "description", Json.Encode.string "add more docs" ) ] ) ]
Validation errors
value is automatically passed to your Elm views, all you need to do is add it to your props to use it!
import LaravelElm exposing (Errors) type alias Props = { errors : Errors } decodeProps : Decoder Props decodeProps = succeed Props |> required "errors" (dict (list string))
Interop with Javascript
Talk back and forth from JS & Elm
port module ExamplePage exposing (..) port saveEmail : String -> Cmd msg port receiveEmail : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg ...
LaravelElm.register("ExamplePage", (page) => { page.send("receiveEmail", localStorage.getItem("email")); page.subscribe("saveEmail", (email) => { localStorage.setItem("email", email); }); });
Laravel errors
Laravel errors are displayed in a modal on the frontend during development, using the same ignition error page that you are used to!
Coming soon!
Persistent scroll
Sometimes you want an "app like" preservation of scroll positions while navigating to and from different pages.
Laravel Elm has built in support for this, by saving the viewport values into the history.
To use it you need to:
- Import the components we need
import LaravelElm exposing (Scroll, Viewports, decodeViewports, preserveScroll, receiveNewProps, saveScroll, setViewports)
- Add a
type Msg = NewProps Value | NoOp | SaveScroll Scroll
- Add the
type alias Props = { errors : Errors , loading : Bool , viewports : Viewports }
- Add the decoder for the
decodeProps : Decoder Props decodeProps = Json.Decode.succeed Props |> required "viewports" decodeViewports
- Make sure we are using the saved viewport positions on mount
main : Program Value (Result Error Model) Msg main = LaravelElm.pageWithMountAndSubscriptions { decodeProps = decodeProps , stateFromProps = stateFromProps , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = \_ -> receiveNewProps NewProps , onMount = \props -> setViewports NoOp props.viewports }
- Make sure we are using the saved viewport positions on update
- As well as saving the viewport positions on scroll
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg { props, state } = case msg of NewProps newProps -> case decodeValue decodeProps newProps of Ok decodedProps -> ( { props = decodedProps , state = state } , setViewports NoOp decodedProps.viewports ) Err _ -> ( { props = props, state = state }, Cmd.none ) SaveScroll scroll -> ( { props = props, state = state }, saveScroll scroll )
- Finally, use
on our html element ("key" should be unique for multiple scroll containers)
view : Model -> Html Msg view { props, state } = div ([ class "h-full overflow-y-scroll" ] ++ preserveScroll SaveScroll "key" ) [ text "long content" ]
Progress indicators
In Elm
prop is automatically passed to all your Elm views, you only need to add it to your props to use it!
type alias Props = { loading : Bool } decodeProps : Decoder Props decodeProps = succeed Props |> required "loading" bool
In Javascript
You can access the loading state in javascript via the
eventExample using nprogress to show a top progress bar:
(after 180ms, so it does not appear for fast connections)
import Nprogress from "nprogress"; let loadingTimeout = null; Nprogress.configure({ showSpinner: false, minimum: 0.4 }); window.addEventListener("elm-loading", function ({ detail: loading }) { clearTimeout(loadingTimeout); if (loading) { loadingTimeout = setTimeout(Nprogress.start, 180); } else { Nprogress.done(); } });
Updating assets
Laravel Elm uses a service worker to ensure the latest assets are used in production. Add the
php artisan elm:sw
to your "prod" command to ensure it gets the latest versions of you assets.
{ "scripts": { ..., "prod": "npm run production;php artisan elm:sw", ..., } }
Hot reloading
You may want to disable hot reloading & debugging in development if your app is extremely large / complex
- Create an
Laravel config file and setdebug
- Then in
.elm({debug: false})
This disables the generation of debug code & does not start the hot reload server during
npm run watch
Laravel tests
All your normal http tests function identically to how they do in a vanilla Laravel app.
But if we want to assert against the props that are sent to Elm, we can add the X-Laravel-Elm
header to our tests/TestCase.php
<?php namespace Tests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase; abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase { use CreatesApplication; public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->withHeaders(['X-Laravel-Elm' => 'true']); } }
Now we can test everything via normal Laravel json assertion methods!
$this->get(route('entries.index'))->assertJsonCount(1, 'props.entries');
Example apps
To get started contributing to Laravel Elm, check out the contribution guide.
If you discover any security related issues, please email hello@tighten.co instead of using the issue tracker.
View the license for this repo.