
Additional eloquent ORM relation types for laravel.

0.2.2 2023-05-31 09:18 UTC


A selection of weird & wonderful additional relation types for laravel's eloquent ORM I've ended up needing.

Many of these are experimental and may behave in unexpected & none standard ways.

On the bright side - it's tested!
Build Status

All licensed under the MIT license.


  1. Install via composer using composer require thybag/bonus-laravel-relations
  2. Include the use thybag\BonusLaravelRelations\Traits\BonusRelationsTrait; in to your model (or base model if you want them everywhere.)
  3. Use the relations as you would any other.

The relation traits can also be added individually if you prefer that.



Get polymorphic relations of a single type.

public function shop()
    return $this->belongsToMorph(Shop::class, 'noteable');


Define a relation via an unlimited number of middle tables.

public function products()
    return $this->hasManyViaMany(Product::class)->via(Shop::class)->via(Franchise::class);


Get an aggregate result as a relation. The main benefit of this approach is it allows easy lazy loading of this data on collections + interaction with the results in a more eloquent like way.

public function productTotals()
    return $this->hasAggregate(Product::class)->selectRaw('
        COUNT(DISTINCT AS unique_products,
        SUM(products.amount) * AVG(products.value) AS stock_value,
        SUM(products.amount) AS total_products,
        AVG(products.value) AS average_product_value


Use a local method as if it were a relation.

public function totalValue()
    return $this->hasMethod(function () {
        return ['total' => ($this->amount * $this->value)];


Define a one-to-one relation through a pivot table.

public function latestRating()
    return $this->belongsToOne(Rating::class, 'shop_rating')->latest('created_at');