
Thruster DataMapper Component

2.4.0 2016-04-21 10:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-14 02:36:16 UTC


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The Thruster DataMapper Component. Provides fast and efficient way to map data from one format to another.


Via Composer

$ composer require thruster/data-mapper

For PHP < 7.0

For older PHP version than PHP7 there is branch php5

$ composer require thruster/data-mapper ">=1.0,<2.0"


Simple Data Mapping

class SimpleMapper extends BaseDataMapper {
     * @param Request $input
    public function map($input)
        return [
            'id' => $input->getId(),
            'name' => $input->getName()

$dataMappers = new DataMappers();
$dataMappers->addMapper(new SimpleMapper());

Nested Data Mapping

class ItemMapper extends BaseDataMapper {
     * @param Request $input
    public function map($input)
        return [
            'id' => $input->getId(),
            'name' => $input->getName()

class MainMapper extends BaseDataMapper {
     * @param Request $input
    public function map($input)
        return [
            'id' => $input->getId(),
            'name' => $input->getName(),
            'items' => $this->getMapper(ItemMapper::class)->mapCollection($input->getItems())

$dataMappers = new DataMappers();
$dataMappers->addMapper(new MainMapper());
$dataMappers->addMapper(new ItemMapper());

Validateable Data Mapping

class UserRegistrationMapper extends BaseDataMapper implements ValidateableDataMapperInterface {
     * @param Request $input
    public function map($input)
        $user = new User();

    public function supports($input) : bool
        return ($input instanceof Request);
    public function getValidationGroups($input) : array
        return ['full'];

$dataMappers = new DataMappers();

$dataMappers->addMapper(new UserRegistrationMapper());

Standalone Data Mapping

$simpleMapper = new DataMapper(
    new class extends BaseDataMapper {
         * @param Request $input
        public function map($input)
            return [
                'id' => $input->getId(),
                'name' => $input->getName()
        public function supports($input) : bool
            return true;



$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


Please see License File for more information.