
Expose your models through an api in a minute!

dev-master 2017-10-11 13:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-15 21:57:57 UTC


Expose your models through an api in a minute!

So that's still in "beta", but not for long, 'coz it's working pretty well.


  • PHP 5.6
  • Laravel 5.1


Install from composer:

composer require thomasruiz/larapie

After installing, add the service provider to your config/app.php file if you're not on Laravel 5.5:


Add the default larapie.php configuration file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Larapie\\LarapieServiceProvider


The configuration file

// config/larapie.php

return [
  // Group configuration (optional)
  'group' => [
    'as'         => 'api.',
    'domain'     => '',
    'middleware' => 'api',

  'resources' => [
    // Generates:
    // GET /users
    // GET /users/{user}
    // POST /users
    // PUT /users/{user}
    // DELETE /users/{user}
    'users' => App\User::class,
    // Relationship
    'users.foos' => App\Foo::class,
    // More complex example
    'foos' => [
      // Mandatory
      'model' => App\Foo::class,
      // All the rest is optional
      'disable_routing' => true, // default to false
      'request' => App\Http\Requests\FooRequest::class, // will run for routes store and update
      'requests' => [
        // Further customization
        'store' => App\Http\Requests\Foo\StoreRequest::class,
        'update' => App\Http\Requests\Foo\UpdateRequest::class,
      'router_options' => [
        'only' => ['index', 'show'],
        'middleware' => ['auth'],
    // WON'T WORK, 'bar' model is unknown
    '' => App\Foo::class,

And everything is ready!


  • API versioning
  • JWT bundled in
  • Pagination, ordering and filters on index route
  • Use of Laravel Policies
  • Custom error messages