
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

MicroModel: a really basic ORM-like form and table mapper, for working with Silex, Symfony Forms, and Doctrine DBAL; supports single tables without relationships.

v1.1.3 2012-08-09 19:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-04-03 16:14:03 UTC


A really basic ORM-like form and table mapper, for working with Silex, Symfony Forms, and Doctrine DBAL; supports single tables without relationships.

Example table

Here’s a table we’ll use for the rest of the code samples.


| id       | name    | orbital_period | last_updated |
| (PK, AI) | (text)  | (number)       | (text)       |
| 1        | Mercury | 87.97          | 1982-10-28   |
| 2        | Venus   | 224.70         | 1980-05-21   |
| 3        | Earth   | 365.25         | 1981-06-04   |

How to use

  1. Install with Composer.

    	"require": {
    		"thomasjbradley/micromodel": "<2.0.0"
  2. Create a PHP class in your Silex application that extends MicroModel. The class must be named identically to the table. Capitalization doesn’t matter, the class name/table name will be converted to lowercase.

    class Planets extends MicroModel
    	public function defineSchema ()
    		// Define all the table's fields
  3. Then make a new instance of your model, passing the Silex\Application.

    $app = new Silex\Application();
    $planets = new Planets($app);
    $planetsList = $planets->all();

Defining fields

When defining fields, the options array inherits everything from Symfony\Form options arrays.

Always define the primary key field first.


use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class Planets extends MicroModel
	public function defineSchema ()
		// The primary key MUST always come first
		$this->defineField('id', 'integer');

		$this->defineField('name', 'text', array(
			'constraints' => array(new Assert\NotBlank())
			, 'set' => function ($val) {
				return filter_var($val, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

		$this->defineField('orbital_period', 'number', array(
			'constraints' => array(new Assert\Number())
			, 'precision' => 2
			, 'set' => function ($val) {

		$this->defineField('last_updated', 'date', array(
			'constraints' => array(new Assert\NotBlank(), new Assert\Date())
			, 'format' => 'yyyy-MM-dd'
			, 'display' => false
			, 'set' => function ($val) {
				if (is_object($val)) return $val;
				return new DateTime($val);

Field definition extra options

MicroModel adds a few extra options to the array.

  • set (function) — An optional setter function. Allows for data type conversion and sanitization.
  • display (boolean) — Optional; whether the field should be shown in forms or not.


☛ __construct( Silex\Application $app [, mixed $clauses = null ] )

Set up the model and optionally read a single item immediately by specifying $clauses.

  • $app — the Silex\Application object.
  • $clauses — passed directly to read(). See read() for more details.
$planets = new Planets($app, 1);
echo $planets->name; // Mercury

☛ defineField( $name [, string $type = 'text' [, array $options = array() ]] )

Define a new field on the model to match a field in the table. Usually called from within the defineSchema() method. Refer to defining fields.

  • $name — The name of the field, spelled identically to the table’s field name.
  • $type — One of the Symfony\Form field types. They match very well to the Doctrine\DBAL field types.
  • $options — Any of the Symfony\Form field options. Refer to field registration extra options for more options.


☛ find( [ string|array $order = null [, array $where = array() ]] )

Get a bunch of results from the table, optionally sorting them. Without any arguments find() will return every entry in the database. Will return an array of the model objects.

  • $order — the field names & direction for the order clause.
  • $where — arrays of WHERE clause conditions, following this format: array('field', 'comparison', 'value').

@return — an array of objects, each object is an instance of your model.

$planets = new Planets($app);
$planetsList = $planets->find();

foreach ($planetsList as $planet) {
	echo $planet->name;

// Since each item in the array is your model object, you could do this
$planetsList[0]->name = 'Neptune';

// Using the $order argument
$planets->find('name ASC');
$planets->find(array('name ASC', 'orbital_period DESC'));

// Using the $where argument
$planets->find(null, array(
	array('orbital_period', '>', 200)
	, array('name', 'LIKE', '%e%')

// Using $order and $where
$planets->find('name ASC', array(
	array('orbital_period', '>', 200)

☛ create()

INSERT the current object into the table using the property values. After insertion, the primary key field is populated with lastInsertId. The data is not validated before creation is attempted.


$planets = new Planets($app);
$planets->name = 'Jupiter';
$planets->orbital_period = 4332.59;
$planets->last_updated = new DateTime();
echo $planets->id; // 4

☛ read( mixed $clauses )

Read a single entry from the table, converting all the fields to properties of the object.

  • $clauses — conditions for reading a single entry in the table.
    • int|string — the value for the individual item’s primary key.
    • array — arrays of WHERE clause conditions, following this format: array('field', 'comparison', 'value').


$planets = new Planets($app);

// Use the primary key to select an item
// Equates to WHERE id = 1
$planet = $planets->read(1);
echo $planet->name; // Mercury

// Set up a WHERE clause with arrays
// Equates to WHERE name = 'Earth'
$planet = $planets->read(array(
	array('name', '=', 'Earth')
echo $planet->name; // Earth

☛ update()

UPDATE the current object in the table using the property values. Uses the field marked as primary key for the WHERE clause. The data is not validated before updating is attempted.


$planets = new Planets($app, 2);
$planets->last_updated = new DateTime();

☛ delete()

DELETE the current object from the table. Uses the field marked as primary key for the WHERE clause.


$planets = new Planets($app, 3);

☛ getForm( [ boolean $csrfProtection = true ] )

Returns a Symfony\Form object for the model. All constraints and options from the field registration are used.

  • $csrfProtection — flag for enabling/disabling CSRF proection; helpful primarily for APIs

@return — Symfony\Form

$planets = new Planets($app, 1);
$form = $planets->getForm();
// $form->bind($request);
// $form->isValid();
// $form->createView();

// When writing a JSON API
$form = $planets->getForm(false);
// Symfony's form bind() method expects an array, so force json_decode to use associative arrays
$form->bind(json_decode($request->getContent(), true));

if ($form->isValid()) {

☛ jsonSerialize()

Double duty: returns a simplified version of all the fields’ values in an associative array, and in PHP/5.4 it is the JsonSerializer implementation.

@return — an array containing all the fields and their values

$planets = new Planets($app, 2);

// PHP/5.4
return $app->json($planets);

// PHP/5.3
return $app->json($planets->jsonSerialize());
// Because PHP/5.3 doesn't have the JsonSerializer interface
// Will work equally as well in PHP/5.4

☛ isValid()

Validates the information in the object against the field constraints.


$planets = new Planets($app);
$planets->name = 'Saturn';
$planets->orbital_period = 10759.22;
$planets->last_updated = new DateTime();
$planets->isValid(); // true

☛ getErrors()

Return an array of all the validation error messages produced by Symfony\Form. Generally called after isValid() if you need to see the error messages. If there are no error messages the array is empty.



MicroModel is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.