
Base dev dependencies for thisisdevelopment/laravel-base

0.6.8 2024-04-25 16:15 UTC


Base dev dependencies for thisisdevelopment/laravel-base This package should only be added as dev-dependency

Currently this installs the following dependencies

  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer
  • barryvdh/laravel-debugbar
  • barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
  • thisisdevelopment/laravel-test-snapshot

Besides the dependencies this package also includes a vendor/bin/dev script which is a helper script to manage a project's docker compose setup

Domain Boilerplate Code Generation

A few Artisan commands are available for automatic domain code generation. These can be used to setup a new domain more quickly.

command description
make:domain {domain} {model} main entry to create entire domain
make:domain-abstract-event {domain} {model} generates common event super class
make:domain-event {domain} {model} {type} generate specific event (used by actions)
make:domain-action {domain} {model} {type} generate specific action
make:domain-dto {domain} {model} {type} generate DTO to be used for either insterting or updating models in repository
make:domain-model {domain} {model} generate the Eloquent model
make:domain-exception {domain} {model} generate the generic exception
make:domain-repository-interface {domain} {model} generate the repository interface

Force option

  -f, --force           force generation when class already exists

All commands allow you to pass the --force option. using this option you can overwrite existing files in your domain. This might be required when upgrading current installments with newer definitions. By default this option is false, and commands will fail by saying that the file already exists.


This is the main entry point for generating everything. It takes a number of (optional) arguments:

  -a, --all             Generate all related files
      --namespace       The root namespace the domain should be part of. Default: Domain
      --model           generate model
      --repository      generate repository interface
      --exception       generate exception
      --actions         generate all actions
      --create-action   generate create-action
      --update-action   generate update-action
      --delete-action   generate delete-action
      --events          generate model
      --abstract-event  generate abstract-event
      --creating-event  generate creating-event
      --created-event   generate created-event
      --updating-event  generate updating-event
      --updated-event   generate updated-event
      --deleting-event  generate deleting-event
      --deleted-event   generate deleted-event
      --dtos            generate all dtos
      --create-dto      generate create-dto
      --update-dto      generate update-dto

This means you can either pass --all to generate everything in 1 command, or specify what class you want to generate specifically by using one or more of the other options.

E.g. to generate only 2 specific actions and a repository for the Bar model in the Foo domain, run the following command:

$ ./artisan make:domain Foo Bar --repository --create-action --delete-action

Please beware that all generated code has some expectations about other classes being available. e.g. the Action-classes all assume the existance of the RepositoryInterface, the Model and both the appropriate Dto and Event classes. This means you can run this command for a single class, but you might need to modify the code afterwards.

The actions, events and dtos created by make:domain are limited to create(d),udpate(d) and delete(d). You can create more types, but you'll have to call the make:domain-* {domain} {model} {type} manually. e.g.

$ ./artisan make:domain-action Foo Bar update-email
$ ./artisan make:domain-event Foo Bar update-email
$ ./artisan make:domain-dto Foo Bar update-email

This will generate Bar\UpdateEmailBarAction, Bar\BarUpdateEmailEvent, and Bar\UpdateEmailBarDto classes.

Running the entire suite will result in the following generated files:


Namespace option

providing the --namespace option allows you to change the default Domain root namespace to something else. e.g. --namespace "ThisIsDevelopment\\LaravelDomain" will generate the following Product model in the Order domain: ThisIsDevelopment\LaravelDomain\Order\Models\Product.