
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Easily manage inheritance with Eloquent ORM

v0.1 2014-07-28 14:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:37:35 UTC


Build Status Software License


Eloquent Inheritance Storage is extending Eloquent ORM in order to provide support for models extending other models. It allows you to store and retrieve parent and child models easily.

This package is an extension of the single table inheritance pattern. It uses views to combine data coming from several tables of a class hierarchy. By doing this we are avoiding tables with many NULL values.


PHP 5.4+ and Laravel 4.2+ are required.

To get the latest version of Eloquent Inheritance Storage, simply require "thibaud-dauce/eloquent-inheritance-storage": "0.*" in your composer.json file. You'll then need to run composer install or composer update to download it and have the autoloader updated.

Once Eloquent Inheritance Storage is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up app/config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

  • 'ThibaudDauce\EloquentInheritanceStorage\EloquentInheritanceStorageServiceProvider'

You can register the InheritanceStorage facade in the aliases key of your app/config/app.php file if you like.

  • 'InheritanceStorage' => 'ThibaudDauce\EloquentInheritanceStorage\Facades\InheritanceStorage'

Model configuration example


Let's imagine that I'm currently developing a video game with different kind of characters. I will have some basic characters and some specialized ones:

  • A warrior will be a character with a rage attribute.
  • A wizard will be a character with a magic attribute.

My class hierarchy will be the following:

  • Character: id, name.
    • Warrior extends Character: id, name, rage.
    • Wizard extends Character: id, name, magic.


Apply the ThibaudDauce\EloquentInheritanceStorage\ParentTrait to the Character model (the parent class).


use ThibaudDauce\EloquentInheritanceStorage\ParentTrait;

class Character extends Eloquent {

  use ParentTrait;

  protected $table = 'characters';
  protected $primaryKey = 'name';

Don't do anything to the Warrior and Wizard models (the child classes).


class Warrior extends Character {

  protected $table = 'warriors';

class Wizard extends Character {

  protected $table = 'wizards';


We are going to create 3 tables and a view:

  • a table named characters_storage that will contain only basic characters (from the parent class).
  • a table named warriors that will contain only warriors (from a child class).
  • a table named wizards that will contain only wizards (from a child class).
  • a view named characters that will contain characters, warriors and wizards.

Let's create our tables. Pay attention to the different tables' name!


// Table for our parent class
Schema::create('characters_storage', function(Blueprint $table)

// Tables for our child classes
Schema::create('warriors', function(Blueprint $table)

Schema::create('wizards', function(Blueprint $table)

And finally, let's create the characters view that will contain our characters, warriors and wizards. Don't forget to the add a class_name field to your view.


CREATE VIEW `characters` AS
    `characters_storage`.`id` AS `id` ,
    'Character' AS `class_name` ,
    `characters_storage`.`name` AS `name` ,
    NULL AS `rage` ,
    NULL AS `magic` ,
  FROM `characters_storage`
    `warriors`.`id` AS `id` ,
    'Warrior' AS `class_name` ,
    `warriors`.`name` AS `name` ,
    `warriors`.`rage` AS `rage` ,
    NULL AS `magic` ,
  FROM `warriors`
    `wizards`.`id` AS `id` ,
    'Wizard' AS `class_name` ,
    `wizards`.`name` AS `name` ,
    `wizards`.`magic` AS `magic` ,
    NULL AS `rage` ,
  FROM `wizards` ;


Get a model

Character::all() will return a collection containing Character, Warrior and Wizard models.

Character::find($characterName) will return a Character.

Character::find($warriorName) will return a Warrior.

Warrior::find($warriorName) will return a Warrior.

Warrior::find($characterName) or Warrior::find($wizardName) will throw an error.

Save a model

Character::create(array('name' => 'Thibaud')) will store a character in the characters_storage table.

Warrior::create(array('name' => 'Thibaud', 'rage' => 10)) will add a line in the warriors table.

Extending the package

Storage name

You can use a different storage table name by defining $inheritanceStorageName in your parent model.

Example: for a view named characters and a storage table named characters-table


use ThibaudDauce\EloquentInheritanceStorage\ParentTrait;

class Character extends Eloquent {

  use ParentTrait;

  protected $table = 'characters';
  protected $inheritanceStorageName = 'characters-table';
  protected $primaryKey = 'name';