therealworld / clirun-plugin
a script for oxid6 update preparations.
- ext-json: *
- ext-pdo: *
- ifsnop/mysqldump-php: v2.*
- oxid-esales/oxideshop-ce: >=v7.1
- therealworld/tools-plugin: >=v3.0
- dev-master
- v4.x-dev
- v4.0.0
- v3.2.13
- v3.2.12
- v3.2.11
- v3.2.10
- v3.2.9
- v3.2.8
- v3.2.7
- v3.2.6
- v3.2.5
- v3.2.4
- v3.2.3
- v3.2.2
- v3.2.1
- v3.2.0
- v3.1.19
- v3.1.18
- v3.1.17
- v3.1.16
- v3.1.15
- v3.1.14
- v3.1.13
- v3.1.12
- v3.1.11
- v3.1.10
- v3.1.9
- v3.1.8
- v3.1.7
- v3.1.6
- v3.1.5
- v3.1.4
- v3.1.3
- v3.1.2
- v3.1.1
- v3.1.0
- v3.0.17
- v3.0.16
- v3.0.15
- v3.0.14
- v3.0.13
- v3.0.12
- v3.0.11
- v3.0.10
- v3.0.9
- v3.0.8
- v3.0.7
- v3.0.6
- v3.0.5
- v3.0.4
- v3.0.3
- v3.0.2
- v3.0.1
- v3.0.0
- v2.x-dev
- v2.0.2
- v2.0.1
- v2.0.0
- v1.0.12
- v1.0.11
- v1.0.10
- v1.0.9
- v1.0.8
- v1.0.7
- v1.0.6
- v1.0.5
- v1.0.4
- v1.0.3
- v1.0.2
- v1.0.1
- v1.0.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:55 UTC
New oe-console commands
- trw:allmodules:active [--env=XXXX] [--shop-id=1]
- trw:allmodules:deactive [--env=XXXX] [--shop-id=1]
- trw:clear:cache
- trw:clear:demoimages
- trw:clear:modules
- trw:clear:tplblock
- trw:config:export [--env=XXXX] [--shop-id=1]
- trw:config:import [--env=XXXX] [--shop-id=1]
- trw:generate:yaml:config [--env=XXXX] [--shop-id=1]
- trw:update:after [--env=XXXX] [--shop-id=1]
- trw:update:before [--env=XXXX] [--shop-id=1]
- trw:update:views
- trw.ide.helper [--shop-id=1]
All-Module (de)activations
The "All-Modules" Activate Commands set the Shop in Maintenance Mode
All-Module active (trw:allmodules:active)
- activate all Modules in a certain order
- set Shop Maintenance Mode "off"
- option --env=XXXX: get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.1.yaml
- option --shop-id=YYYY:
- get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.YYYY.yaml or trwclirun.YYYY.yaml
- activate the Modules in Shop with this ID
All-Module deactive (trw:allmodules:deactive)
- set Shop Maintenance Mode "on"
- deactivate all Modules
- option --env=XXXX: get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.1.yaml
- option --shop-id=YYYY:
- get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.YYYY.yaml or trwclirun.YYYY.yaml
- deactivate the Modules in Shop with this ID
- if not set, the command check if Plugin-Configs exists for all Shop-Ids
clean Cache (trw:clear:cache)
- Clean OXID cache
clear demoimages (trw:clear:demoimages)
- Delete the unecessary demoimages installed during shopinstallation
clear Modules (trw:clear:modules)
- clear broken Modules Entries & delete unecessary Module-Options
clear Tpl Blocks (trw:clear:tplblock)
- Deletes duplicate Tpl block entries
config im- and export commands
config export (trw:config:export)
- export the Modules-, Themes-, Shop- and ShopTableConfigs
- option --env=XXXX: get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.1.yaml
- option --shop-id=YYYY:
- get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.YYYY.yaml or trwclirun.YYYY.yaml
- export the Config from Shop with this ID
- if not set, the command check if Plugin-Configs exists for all Shop-Ids
config export (trw:config:export)
- import the Modules-, Themes-, Shop- and ShopTableConfigs
- option --env=XXXX: get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.1.yaml
- option --shop-id=YYYY:
- get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.YYYY.yaml or trwclirun.YYYY.yaml
- import the Config from Shop with this ID
- if not set, the command check if Plugin-Configs exists for all Shop-Ids
configuration (trw:generate:yaml:config)
- create a configfile via oe-console-command: oe-console trw:generate:yaml:config
Example: 1.yaml.dist
YAML example:
moduleTakeCare: - demo1 - demo2
- demo3
- demo4
- flow
- wave
- azure
- mobile
exportModuleConfigs: dummymodule:
- aDummyOption
- dummyfile1.txt
- dummyfile2.txt
dontRunIfOptionValue: bDemoOption: true
runIfOptionValue: bDemoOption: true
runIfEnvironmentVariable: DEV_ENVIRONMENT: 1
configExportImportPath: transfer
- bOptionNotAllowed1
- bOptionNotAllowed2
- bOptionNotAllowed1
- bOptionNotAllowed2
- option --env=XXXX: write the Plugin-Config in file trwclirun.XXXX.1.yaml
option --shop-id=YYYY:
- write the Plugin-Config in file trwclirun.XXXX.YYYY.yaml or trwclirun.YYYY.yaml
- if not set, the command write the Plugin-Configs for all Shop-Ids
moduleTakeCare: (necessary for command trw:update:before, trw:allmodules:active and trw:allmodules:deactive)
- List of ModuleIds for deletetion and activation, before and after update commands
- The sorting ensures the order of activation
moduleTakeCareDevelop: (necessary for command trw:update:before and trw:allmodules:deactive)
- List of ModuleIds for deletetion and deactivation, before update commands
themeTakeCare: (necessary for command trw:update:before)
- List of Themes, that will be deleted before update commands
- the OXID-Shop-installer will create the themes again
prepareShopForUpdate: (necessary for command trw:update:before)
- prepare the shop, so that the install-routine from OXID starts during "composer install"
- please be careful, start it only if the standard OXID routines of "composer install" start after executing the command
- the OXID-Shop-installer will create the themes again
exportModuleConfigs: (necessary for command trw:update:before)
- This Module-options will be saved, before update
- Some Module-Options would be inserted or manipulated via DB. This will be lost during Shop Updates. This Options would be inserted again after Shop-Update
dontRunIfFileExits: (necessary for command trw:update:before and trw:update:after)
- dont run this commands if file exists
- its a possibility to stop automatic updates
runIfFileExits: (necessary for command trw:update:before and trw:update:after)
- run this commands only if file exists
- its a possibility to stop automatic updates
dontRunIfOptionValue: (necessary for command trw:update:before and trw:update:after)
- dont run this commands if an shop-config-value exists and active
- its a possibility to stop automatic updates
runIfOptionValue: (necessary for command trw:update:before and trw:update:after)
- run this commands only if if an shop-config-value exists and active
- its a possibility to stop automatic updates
runIfEnvironmentVariable: (necessary for command trw:update:before and trw:update:after)
- run this commands only if if an ENVIRONMENT-VARIABLE exists
- its a possibility to stop automatic updates
configExportImportPath: (necessary for command trw:config:export and trw:config:import)
- The path in which the config export is saved
- relative to root/var/configuration
configExportNotAllowedVars: (necessary for command trw:config:export and trw:config:import)
- Dont export this config-vars
configImportNotAllowedVars: (necessary for command trw:config:export and trw:config:import)
- Dont import this config-vars
The shopupdate-commands are intended to speed up the shop composer update process. The following commands can be executed before and after the shop update:
after Update (trw:update:after)
- option --env=XXXX: get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.1.yaml
- option --shop-id=YYYY:
- get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.YYYY.yaml or trwclirun.YYYY.yaml
- "after updates"-processes in Shop with this ID
- if not set, the command check if Plugin-Configs exists for all Shop-Ids
- activate all Modules in a certain order (via trw:allmodules:active command)
- delete unecessary Demo Images (via trw:delete:demoimages command)
- clean cache (via trw:clear:cache command)
- correct tplblocks (via trw:clear:tplblock command)
before the Update (trw:update:before)
- option --env=XXXX: get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.1.yaml
- option --shop-id=YYYY:
- get the Plugin-Config from file trwclirun.XXXX.YYYY.yaml or trwclirun.YYYY.yaml
- "before updates"-processes in Shop with this ID
- if not set, the command check if Plugin-Configs exists for all Shop-Ids
- check whether certain conditions are met
- deactivate all Modules (via trw:allmodules:deactive command)
- clean broken Modules Options
- delete all old themes
Views Update (trw:update:views)
- update the Shop views
Create IDE-Helper file (trw.ide.helper)
- option --shop-id=YYYY:
- creates a helper file for the modules currently installed in the shop so that IDEs such as phpStorm can find the class chains and thus code completion is possible
- it does not matter whether the module is active or not. what is important is whether it is installed for the shop
- the file is stored in the root directory and has the name ".ide-helper_modules_1.php", for example. The 1 stands for the shop ID
- the file(s) are parallel to the ".ide-helper.php" which is created via "vendor/bin/oe-eshop-ide_helper"
- if no shop ID is provided optionally, the file for the standard shop is created with the ID 1