
The PHP library for hyperf rocketmq

v2.2.0 2021-10-08 02:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 02:17:29 UTC


主要代码来自于阿里云官方 sdk:

hyperf rocketmq 目前只支持 http/https

伪代码 demo




use Hyperf\Guzzle\PoolHandler;

return [
    'test' => [
        'host' => env('ROCKETMQ_HOST'),
        'app_id' => env('ROCKETMQ_APP_ID'),
        'app_key' => env('ROCKETMQ_APP_KEY'),
        'driver' => 'rocketmq',
        'instance_id' => 'MQ_INST_199174xx',
        'topic' => [
            'user_topic' => env('ROCKETMQ_USER_TOPIC', 'user_staging'),
        'http_guzzle' => [
            'handler' => PoolHandler::class,
            'option' => [
                'min_connections' => 10,
                'max_connections' => 100,
                'connect_timeout' => 3.0,
                'wait_timeout' => 30.0,
                'heartbeat' => -1,
                'max_idle_time' => 60.0,


class Config
    private $params = [

     * @var Collection
    public $config;

    public function __construct(string $clientId)
        $config = config("queue.$clientId");
        if (!$config) {
            throw new ServiceException(sprintf('%s config info error ', $clientId));

     * 初始化项目信息
     * @param $config
    private function init($config)
        $this->config = collect($config);
        $this->host = $config['host'] ?? '';
        $this->app_id = $config['app_id'] ?? '';
        $this->app_key = $config['app_key'] ?? '';
        $this->driver = $config['driver'] ?? '';
        $this->instance_id = $config['instance_id'] ?? '';
        $this->topic = $config['topic'] ?? [];
        $this->group_id = $config['group_id'] ?? [];

     * 获取config
     * @param string $clientId
     * @return Config
    public function getConfig(string $clientId): Config
        $config = $this->config->get('queue.' . $clientId);

        if (!$config) {
            throw new ServiceException(sprintf('%s queue config info error ', $clientId));
        $this->config = collect($config);

        $this->host = $config['host'] ?? '';
        $this->app_id = $config['app_id'] ?? '';
        $this->app_key = $config['app_key'] ?? '';
        $this->driver = $config['driver'] ?? '';
        $this->instance_id = $config['instance_id'] ?? '';
        $this->topic = $config['topic'] ?? [];
        $this->group_id = $config['group_id'] ?? [];

        return $this;

    public function __get($name)
        if (!in_array($name, $this->params)) {
            throw new ServiceException('error param', ['name' => $name]);
        return Context::get(__CLASS__ . ':' . $name);

    public function __set($name, $value)
        if (!in_array($name, $this->params)) {
            throw new ServiceException('error param', [$name => $value]);
        return Context::set(__CLASS__ . ':' . $name, $value);

     * Get the value of host
    public function getHost(): string
        return $this->host;

     * Get the value of app_id
    public function getAppId(): string
        return $this->app_id;

     * Get the value of app_key
    public function getAppKey(): string
        return $this->app_key;

     * Get the value of driver
    public function getDriver(): string
        return $this->driver;

     * Get the value of instance_id
    public function getInstanceId(): string
        return $this->instance_id;

    public function getTopic(string $topicName)
        return $this->topic[$topicName] ?? '';

    public function getGroupId(string $groupId)
        return $this->group_id[$groupId] ?? '';

 * File: RocketMQ.php
 * File Created: Thursday, 28th May 2020 4:58:08 pm
 * Author: Yin

namespace TheFairLib\Library\Queue\Client;

use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use Hyperf\Guzzle\CoroutineHandler;
use Hyperf\Guzzle\PoolHandler;
use Hyperf\Process\ProcessManager;
use TheFairLib\Library\Logger\Logger;
use TheFairLib\Library\Queue\Config;
use TheFairLib\Library\Queue\Message\BaseMessage;
use Hyperf\Utils\Context;
use TheFairLib\RocketMQ\Exception\AckMessageException;
use TheFairLib\RocketMQ\Exception\MessageNotExistException;
use TheFairLib\RocketMQ\Model\TopicMessage;
use TheFairLib\Exception\ServiceException;
use TheFairLib\RocketMQ\MQClient;
use TheFairLib\RocketMQ\MQProducer;
use TheFairLib\RocketMQ\MQConsumer;
use Throwable;

 * RocketMQ
 * @property  string $end_point
 * @property string $access_id
 * @property string $access_key
 * @property string $instance_id
 * @property MQClient $client
 * @property Config $config
class RocketMQ
    private $params = [

     * @var Config
    protected $config;

    public function __construct(Config $config)
        $this->end_point = $config->getHost();
        $this->access_id = $config->getAppId();
        $this->access_key = $config->getAppKey();
        $this->instance_id = $config->getInstanceId();
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->client = new MQClient($this->end_point, $this->access_id, $this->access_key, null, $this->getMqConfig($config));

     * 配置文件转换
     * @param Config $config
     * @return \TheFairLib\RocketMQ\Config
    protected function getMqConfig(Config $config): ?\TheFairLib\RocketMQ\Config
        $mqConfig = new \TheFairLib\RocketMQ\Config();
        $config = $config->config->toArray();
        if (arrayGet($config, 'http_guzzle.handler') == PoolHandler::class) {
            $option = arrayGet($config, 'http_guzzle.option');
            $mqConfig->setConnectTimeout($option['connect_timeout'] ?? 3.0);
            $mqConfig->setRequestTimeout($option['wait_timeout'] ?? 30.0);
//            $mqConfig->setHandler(HandlerStack::create(new CoroutineHandler()));
            $mqConfig->setHandler(make(PoolHandler::class, [
                'option' => [
                    'min_connections' => $option['min_connections'] ?? 10,
                    'max_connections' => $option['max_connections'] ?? 100,
                    'connect_timeout' => $option['connect_timeout'] ?? 3.0,
                    'wait_timeout' => $option['wait_timeout'] ?? 30.0,
                    'heartbeat' => $option['heartbeat'] ?? -1,
                    'max_idle_time' => $option['max_idle_time'] ?? 60.0,
        return $mqConfig;

    public function __get($name)
        if (!in_array($name, $this->params)) {
            throw new ServiceException('error param', ['name' => $name]);
        return Context::get(__CLASS__ . ':' . $name);

    public function __set($name, $value)
        if (!in_array($name, $this->params)) {
            throw new ServiceException('error param', [$name => $value]);
        return Context::set(__CLASS__ . ':' . $name, $value);

     * Get the value of producer
     * @param string $topic
     * @return MQProducer
    public function getProducer(string $topic): MQProducer
        return $this->client->getProducer($this->instance_id, $topic);

     * 推入队列
     * @param string $topic
     * @param array $message
     * @return TopicMessage
    public function publishMessage(string $topic, array $message): TopicMessage
        $producer = $this->getProducer($topic);

        $publishMessage = new TopicMessage("$message 转为 string");

        if ($message->getStartDeliverTime()) {

        if ($message->getMessageTag()) {

        return $producer->publishMessage($publishMessage);

     * Get the value of consumer
     * @param string $topic
     * @param string $groupId
     * @param string|null $messageTag
     * @return MQConsumer
    public function getConsumer(string $topic, string $groupId, string $messageTag = null): MQConsumer
        return $this->client->getConsumer($this->instance_id, $topic, $groupId, $messageTag);

     * 消费队列
     * @param string $topic
     * @param string $groupId
     * @param callable $func
     * @param string|null $messageTag
     * @param int $numOfMessages 1~16
     * @param int $waitSeconds
     * @param bool $coroutine 是否开启协程并发消费
     * @return void
     * @throws Throwable
    public function consumeMessage(string $topic, string $groupId, callable $func, string $messageTag = null, int $numOfMessages = 1, int $waitSeconds = 5, bool $coroutine = false)
        $consumer = $this->getConsumer($topic, $groupId, $messageTag);

        while (ProcessManager::isRunning()) {
            try {
                // 长轮询消费消息
                // 长轮询表示如果topic没有消息则请求会在服务端挂住3s,3s内如果有消息可以消费则立即返回
                $messages = $consumer->consumeMessage(
                    $numOfMessages, // 一次最多消费3条(最多可设置为16条)
                    $waitSeconds // 长轮询时间(最多可设置为30秒)
            } catch (Throwable $e) {
                if ($e instanceof MessageNotExistException) {
                    // 队列为空,结束消费,重新轮询

                throw $e;
            $receiptHandles = [];
            if ($coroutine) {
                $callback = [];
                foreach ($messages as $key => $message) {
                    $callback[$key] = function () use ($message, $func) {
                        return $message->getReceiptHandle();
                $receiptHandles = parallel($callback);
            } else {
                foreach ($messages as $message) {
                    $receiptHandles[] = $message->getReceiptHandle();
            try {
            } catch (Throwable $e) {
                if ($e instanceof AckMessageException) {
                    // 某些消息的句柄可能超时了会导致确认不成功
                    Logger::get()->error("ack_error", ['RequestId' => $e->getRequestId()]);
                    foreach ($e->getAckMessageErrorItems() as $errorItem) {
                        Logger::get()->error('ack_error:receipt_handle', [
                            $errorItem->getReceiptHandle(), $errorItem->getErrorCode(), $errorItem->getErrorCode(),
                throw $e;


$config = new Config('test');
$client = make(RocketMQ::class, [$config]);
'uid' => 'xx1x'

$client->consumeMessage('topic_name', 'groupId', function (Message $message) {
try {
} catch (Throwable $th) {
    Logger::get()->error('error#topic:push#id:' . $message->getMessageId(), [
        'code' => $th->getCode(),
        'message' => $th->getMessage(),
        'trace' => $th->getTraceAsString(),