
Test design tool for REST APIs, compatible with webman. 2022-04-08 21:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 09:30:13 UTC


Getting started

Teko Api Testing is a tool that will allow you to carry out effective integration tests for webservices such as api rest full, which will guarantee the quality of your services, making a correctly tested development available to everyone, avoiding and detecting possible failures in time before Launch your project into production.

How works?

If the library is installed alongside Tkila, you can run the tests with the following command

php webman tests:run --group=endpoints --fresh=true

In case you want to run tests in CLI, you must execute the following auxiliary command

php teko_api_testing <your_test_group_her>

Test this library

This test library guarantees API tests, despite this, there are also tests performed on this library, so you can run them with the following command:

composer run-script test

with ❤️ for Teko Estudio