
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.1.2) of this package.

0.1.2 2024-02-20 07:58 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-20 08:40:51 UTC


APIGram Simple PHP Telegram API SDK

A lightweight and simple library for working with the Telegram Bot API, is under active development. But some methods are already available for work, see paragraph 3.

Downloads Version Build

1. Prerequisites

  • PHP >= 7.2.5

2. Installation

composer require teh9/apigram

3. Initialization

$client = \Teh9\Apigram\Client\TelegramClient('BOT_API_TOKEN');
1. Messages
Send message:
$chatId = 1;

$apigram = new \Teh9\Apigram\Client\TelegramClient('BOT_API_TOKEN');
$response = $apigram->messages()->to($chatId)->send('text');

$response->getMessageId(); // Get message id
Edit message:
$chatId = 1;
$apigram = new \Teh9\Apigram\Client\TelegramClient('BOT_API_TOKEN');
$response = $apigram->messages()->edit('TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID', 'MESSAGE_ID', 'lorem ipsum new text');

var_dump($response->getMessageText()); // lorem ipsum new text
2. Webhook
Set webhook:
$webhookUrl = 'https://yourwebhook.net';

$apigram = new \Teh9\Apigram\Client\TelegramClient('BOT_API_TOKEN');
$response = $apigram->webhook()->set($webhookUrl);

var_dump($response->status()); // true/false
Remove webhook:
$apigram = new \Teh9\Apigram\Client\TelegramClient('BOT_API_TOKEN');
$response = $apigram->webhook()->remove();

var_dump($response->status()); // true/false
3. Bot
Get me (info about bot):
$apigram = new \Teh9\Apigram\Client\TelegramClient('BOT_API_TOKEN');
$response = $apigram->bot()->getMe();

var_dump($response->getId()); // Bot id
var_dump($response->getFirstName()); // Bot name
var_dump($response->getUserName()); // Bot login
4. Assets
Send photo:
$imagePath = 'https://i.imgur.com/SVm9n13_d.jpg';

$apigram = new TelegramClient(getenv('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN'));
$response = $apigram->assets()->to(getenv('TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID'))->sendPhoto($imagePath);
// or
$response = $apigram->assets()->to(getenv('TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID'))->caption('test caption')->sendPhoto($imagePath);



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.