
Official PHP API client for

2.0 2017-09-09 02:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 12:00:24 UTC


This is the PHP client for the OpenZac API.

Getting Started

You'll need an API key. Get one at

Creating an instance of the client

$apiToken = 'YOUR_TOKEN';
$client = new TeamZac\OpenZac\OpenZac($apiToken);

In Laravel

Include the service provider in your config/app.php file:


Publish the package's config file:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TeamZac\OpenZac\OpenZacServiceProvider"

Add your API token, preferably to your .env file:


Or set it directly in the config file:

'token' => 'YOUR_TOKEN'

The service provider binds a singleton instance of TeamZac\OpenZac\OpenZac to the IoC container, which you can access using the key 'OpenZac':


Using the client

The remainder of the documentation will assume you're using Laravel. If not, you can replace app('OpenZac) with a normal instance of TeamZac\OpenZac\OpenZac.

We're fleshing out a fluent interface to the API, but for now you can just use the get() method on the client, providing a URI path and optionally any parameters or headers you wish to pass along:


app('OpenZac')->get('sales-tax/collections/2016/11', [
    'page' => 2,
    'take' => 25

Retreiving Entities

We do have a minimally developed interface for accessing 'entity' resources. You can access this interface using the entities attribute on the OpenZac instance:


There are two public methods on this resource: all() and find().


app('OpenZac')->entities->all() is the same as calling get('entities'). You can pass an array of query parameters as the lone argument:

app('OpenZac')->entities->all(['page' => 3]);


The find() method takes an entity ID as its lone parameter, and will retrieve a single entity record.


Resources and Collections

API calls return either an instance of TeamZac\OpenZac\Support\Resource or TeamZac\OpenZac\Support\ResourceCollection.


Right now this is just a simple wrapper for the response which allows you to access data as properties on the Resource object.

$austin = app('OpenZac')->entities->find('austin-texas');
// prints 'Austin'

The infrastructure is in place to provide more helpful functionality by using this as a base class. Future development plans include each resource having it's own subclass. This will allow for casting attributes to certain data types and potentially other valuable features.


This is a simple wrapper around responses that return more than a single resource. It has a couple of public methods which may be useful:

data() returns the resources, which are subclasses of TeamZac\OpenZac\Support\Resource.

meta() returns any metadata associated with the response. Typically this will just be information related to pagination where applicable.

nextPage() returns the next page number or null if it does not exist.

previousPage() returns the previous page number or null if it does not exist.