
Rocket.Chat Notifications for laravel

v1.2.0 2023-02-17 14:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 19:11:40 UTC



This package makes it easy to send notifications using RocketChat with Laravel 9.0+.



You can install the package via composer:

$ composer require team-nifty-gmbh/laravel-rocket-chat-notifications

Setting up the RocketChat service

In order to send message to RocketChat channels, you need to create a bot user with an access token in your RocketChat Application

You can publish the config file with:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TeamNiftyGmbh\RocketChatNotifications\RocketChatNotificationsServiceProvider"

The config file looks as follows:

// config/rocket-chat.php
    | Default RocketChat Connection Name
    | Here you may specify which RocketChat connections below you wish
    | to use as your default connection for all RocketChat notifications. Of course
    | you may use many connections at once using the RocketChat static methods or 
    | RocketChatMessage connection method.

    'default' => env('ROCKETCHAT_CONNECTION', 'rocket-chat'),

    | RocketChat Connections
    | Here are each of the RocketChat connections setup for your application.

    'connections' => [

        'rocket-chat' => [
            // Base URL for RocketChat API server (
            'url' => env('ROCKETCHAT_URL'),
            'token' => env('ROCKETCHAT_TOKEN'),
            'user_id' => env('ROCKETCHAT_USER_ID')


If you have published the config file, you can add your RocketChat API server's base url, access token and user Id to config/rocket-chat.php. You can also create additional connections if you wish to serve multiple RocketChats in your application.


You can use the channel in your via() method inside the notification:

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use TeamNiftyGmbh\RocketChatNotifications\Channels\RocketChatNotificationChannel;
use TeamNiftyGmbh\RocketChatNotifications\Messages\RocketChatMessage;

class TaskCompleted extends Notification
    public function via(mixed $notifiable): array
        return [

    public function toRocketChat($notifiable): RocketChatMessage
        return RocketChatMessage::create('Test Message');

In order to let your notification know which RocketChat channel you are targeting, add the routeNotificationForRocketChat method to your Notifiable model:

public function routeNotificationForRocketChat(): string
    return 'channel_name';

Available Message methods

connection(): Sets the connection.

domain(): Sets the domain of your rocket chat server.

from(): Sets the sender's access token and user id.

to(): Specifies the channel id to send the notification to (overridden by routeNotificationForRocketChat if empty).

content(): Sets a content of the notification message. Supports Github flavoured markdown.

alias(): This will cause the message’s name to appear as the given alias, but your username will still display.

avatar(): This will make the avatar use the provided image url.

attachment(): This will add a single attachment.

attachments(): This will add multiple attachments.

clearAttachments(): This will remove all attachments.

Adding Attachment

There are several ways to add one or more attachments to a message

public function toRocketChat($notifiable)
    return RocketChatMessage::create('Test message')
        ->connection('rocket-chat') // optional to alter the default connection, overrides 'domain', 'to' and 'from'
        ->domain('') //optional if set in config
        ->to('channel_name') // optional if set in config
        ->from('access_token', 'rocket_chat_user_id') // optional if set in config
            RocketChatAttachment::create(['image_url' => 'test']),
            new RocketChatAttachment(['image_url' => 'test']),
                'image_url' => 'test'

Available Attachment methods

color(): The color you want the order on the left side to be, any value background-css supports.

text(): The text to display for this attachment, it is different than the message’s text.

timestamp(): Displays the time next to the text portion. ISO8601 Zulu Date or instance of any \DateTime

thumbnailUrl(): An image that displays to the left of the text, looks better when this is relatively small.

messageLink(): Only applicable if the ts is provided, as it makes the time clickable to this link.

collapsed(): Causes the image, audio, and video sections to be hiding when collapsed is true.

author($name, $link, $icon): shortcut for author methods

authorName(): Name of the author.

authorLink(): Providing this makes the author name clickable and points to this link.

authorIcon(): Displays a tiny icon to the left of the Author’s name.

title(): Title to display for this attachment, displays under the author.

titleLink(): Providing this makes the title clickable, pointing to this link.

titleLinkDownload(): When this is true, a download icon appears and clicking this saves the link to file.

imageUrl(): The image to display, will be “big” and easy to see.

audioUrl(): Audio file to play, only supports what html audio does.

videoUrl(): Video file to play, only supports what html video does.

fields(): An array of Attachment Field Objects.

        'short' => false, // Whether this field should be a short field. Default: false
        'title' => 'Title 1', //The title of this field. Required
        'value' => 'Value 1' // The value of this field, displayed underneath the title value. Required
        'short' => true,
        'title' => 'Title 2',
        'value' => 'Value 2'


Sending messages without a notification

use TeamNiftyGmbh\RocketChatNotifications\Messages\RocketChatMessage;
use TeamNiftyGmbh\RocketChatNotifications\RocketChat

RocketChat::send('domain', 'token', 'userId', 'channel', RocketChatMessage::create('message'));

Sending messages via connection

connection must be defined in config/rocket-chat.php

use TeamNiftyGmbh\RocketChatNotifications\Messages\RocketChatMessage;
use TeamNiftyGmbh\RocketChatNotifications\RocketChat

RocketChat::sendVia('connection', 'channel', RocketChatMessage::create('message'));



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.