
Active Record built upon dibi Database Abstraction Library

v1.0.1 2017-01-04 13:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-01 18:02:28 UTC


Active Record built upon dibi Database Abstraction Library.

Latest Stable Version Code Climate


DibiActiveRecord requires to run correctly:

  • PHP, version 5.3 or above



Simply add a dependency on tatarko/dibi-active-record to your project's composer.json file if you use Composer to manage the dependencies of your project. Here is a minimal example of a composer.json file that just defines a dependency on Dibi Active Record:

	"require": {
		"tatarko/dibi-active-record": "^1.0"

Getting started

To use dibi active record you simply define model's class that extends common parent class ActiveRecord from this repository.

Definying model's class

use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;

 * Dynamic properties for accessing fields of table row
 * @property integer $id
 * @property string $name
class User extends ActiveRecord

Basic manipulation with model

After we have successfully defined our first model, we can work with it in common way used in active record/orm patterns.

$model = new User();
$model->name = 'demo';

if($model->save()) { // insert new row to the table
	echo $model->id; // autoincrement values automatically set to model's attribute

$other = User::model()->findByPk(2); // by primary key (id field)

if($other) {
	$other->name = 'another test';
	$other->save(); // updates row in the table

foreach(User::model()->findAll() as $model) {
	// getting&iterating all rows from table

Different table/primary key names

By default, name of the active record's table equals to class name without namespace prefix and primary key name equals to id. In case that you want to change it, you can override tableName() and primaryKeyName() methods:

use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;

 * Dynamic properties for accessing fields of table row
 * @property integer $user_id
 * @property string $name
class User extends ActiveRecord
	public function tableName()
		return 'users';
	public function primaryKeyName()
		return 'user_id';

Usefull methods

$model = new User();
var_dump($model->isNewRecord()); // true

$other = User::model()->findByPk(2);
var_dump($other->isNewRecord()); // false

$other->refresh(); // fetch current field values from db

Searching for rows

// Getting first row that matches criteria
$model = User::model()->find();

// Specifying criteria for model searching
$model = User::model();
$criteria = $model->getCriteria()->search('name', 'dibi'); // search means `LIKE "%dibi%"
foreach($model->findAll() as $record) {

More searching criteria

  • $criteria->limit(integer $limit)
    • limits number of rows to fetch
  • $criteria->offset(integer $offset)
    • sets numbers of rows to skip on fetching
  • $criteria->select(string ...$fields)
    • which fields to fetch

Following methods can be called more multiple times - their effect is combined:

  • $criteria->orderBy(string $sorter)
    • how to order results
  • $criteria->groupBy(string $field)
    • according to which columns should be results grouped
  • $criteria->rightJoin(string $table, array $on = array(), string $name = null)
    • joins table $table by conditions from $on with type of RIGHT JOIN.
    • in case that $name is specified then additional table is joined under this local name
    • List $on can be filled with strings of partial conditions or arrays containing following elements:
      • string rule (required) - condition pattern
      • array params (optional) - parameters of that condition (in case that condition has placeholders such as %i, %s etc)
      • string opetator (optional) - operator to be used before current condition (if it is not the first), AND by default
  • $criteria->leftJoin(string $table, array $on = array(), string $name = null)
    • joins table $table by conditions from $on with type of LEFT JOIN.
    • in case that $name is specified then additional table is joined under this local name
    • List $on can be filled with strings of partial conditions or arrays containing following elements:
      • string rule (required) - condition pattern
      • array params (optional) - parameters of that condition (in case that condition has placeholders such as %i, %s etc)
      • string opetator (optional) - operator to be used before current condition (if it is not the first), AND by default
  • $criteria->mergeWith($criteria)
    • merges current criteria with another one
    • $criteria can be instance of Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\Criteria or array of values for building Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\Criteria
  • $criteria->where(string $rule, array $params = array(), string $opeator = 'AND')
    • adds new condition to WHERE statement
    • $params represents parameters for that condition (in case that condition has placeholders such as %i, %s etc)
    • $operator operator to be used before current condition (if it is not the first), AND by default
  • $criteria->having(string $rule, array $params = array(), string $opeator = 'AND')
    • adds new condition to HAVING statement
    • $params represents parameters for that condition (in case that condition has placeholders such as %i, %s etc)
    • $operator operator to be used before current condition (if it is not the first), AND by default

Following methods creates specified case of condtions. Argument $onHaving decides whether condition will be added to the WHERE statement (on false value) or to the HAVING statement (on true value). Argument $operator represents operator to be used before current condition (if it is not the first), AND by default. All the methods can be called multiple times with their effect to be combined.

  • $criteria->compare(string $column, string $value, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Value in column $column has to equal to $value
  • $criteria->search(string $column, string $value, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Column $column will searched for $value using LIKE
  • $criteria->between(string $column, float $start, float $end, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Value of the $column has to be from interval < $start; $end >
  • $criteria->in(string $column, array $values, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Column $column has to equal to at least one of $values
  • $criteria->notIn(string $column, array $values, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Column $column must not equal to any value from $values
  • $criteria->lessThan(string $column, float $value, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Value of $column has to be lower than $value
  • $criteria->lessOrEqualThan(string $column, float $value, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Value of $column has to be lower than or equals to $value
  • $criteria->moreThan(string $column, float $value, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Value of $column has to be higher than $value
  • $criteria->moreOrEqualThan(string $column, float $value, boolean $onHaving = false, string $opeator = 'AND')
    • Value of $column has to be higher than or equals to $value


Filters for Dibi Active Record is something like dynamic setter/getter for model's attribute. It can be defined by overriding filters() method.

use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;

 * @property integer $id
 * @property DateTime $created
 * @property DateTime $updated
 * @property array $jsonData
class User extends ActiveRecord
    public function filters()
        return array(
            array('jsonData', 'json'), // field will be on-the-fly encoded/decoded as json
            array('createTime,updateTime', 'date'), // mysql timestamp field - will be interpreted as DateTime object

Filters can used when getting model's attributes as object properties. If attributes are accessed as array elements then value is returned in its raw format.

$model = User::model()->find();
    $model->jsonData, // array('index' => 'value');
    $model['jsonData'] // string '{"index":"value"}'

List of pre-defined filters

  • boolean - value is interpreted as boolean and stored as 0/1 in database
  • date - value is interpreted as DateTime object and stored as date/time in database
  • float - value is interpreted as float
  • integer - value is interpreted as integer
  • json - field will be on-the-fly encoded/decoded as json

Custom filters

New filter can be created by implementing Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\FilterInterface interface and defiying it filters() method.

use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\FilterInterface;
use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;

class MyCustomFilter implementes FilterInterface
	// interface implementation

 * @property integer $id
 * @property mixed $specialField
class User extends ActiveRecord
    public function filters()
        return array(
            array('specialField', new MyCustomFilter()),


For validating model's attributes before inserting/updating to the database it is possible to set of validation rules to be performing before each saving operation. It can be achieved by overriding validators() method.

use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;

 * @property integer $id
 * @property string $name
 * @property string $group
class User extends ActiveRecord
    public function validators()
        return array(
            array('name,group', 'string'),
            array('group', 'in', 'haystack' => array('visitor', 'admin')),
            array('name', function($validator) {
            	// callback validator
            	// value to validate can be accessed by $validator->getValue()
            	// and store error in case of invalid value using:
				$validator->addError('Invalid name: '.$validator->getValue());

List of pre-defined validators

  • callback
    • checks the value with given callback function
    • must to have parameter callback that must to be callable type
    • can have parameter allowEmpty which decides whether empty value is valid, true by default
  • in
    • value musts equal to at least one of values in haystack that is required parameter
    • if haystack is array, then in_array is used, mb_strpos otherwise
    • can have parameter allowEmpty which decides whether empty value is valid, true by default
  • numeric
    • checks for numeric type of value
    • can have parameter allowEmpty which decides whether empty value is valid, true by default
  • required
    • checks for non-empty value
  • string
    • checks for string type of value
    • can have parameter minLength - minimal string length
    • can have parameter maxLength - maximal string length
    • can have parameter allowEmpty which decides whether empty value is valid, true by default

Validation in action

$model = new User();
$model->name = 'Some name';
$model->group = 'admin';

	$model->validate(), // false
	$model->getError(), // array('name => array('Invalid name: Some name'))

Validation is automatically triggered on model saving. In case that model is not valid, saving process is stopped. Validation can be skipped by filling $validate argument - $model->save(false)

Custom validators

New validator can be created by creating new class that extends Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ValidatorAbstract.

use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ValidatorAbstract;
use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;

class MyCustomValidator extends ValidatorAbstract
	// abstract methods implementation

 * @property integer $id
 * @property mixed $specialField
class User extends ActiveRecord
    public function filters()
        return array(
            array('specialField', new MyCustomValidator()),


In case that multiple tables are connected using foreign keys, thier records records can be mapped in Dibi Active Record as properties. Relations can be defined in relations() method.

use Tatarko\DibiActiveRecord\ActiveRecord;

 * @property integer $id
 * @property string $name
 * @property Service[] $services
class User extends ActiveRecord
    public function relations()
        return array(
        	'services' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Service', 'user_id'),

 * @property integer $id
 * @property integer $user_id
 * @property string $name
 * @property User $owner
class User extends ActiveRecord
    public function relations()
        return array(
        	'owner' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'user_id'),

After definying relations we can use them as model's properties.

foreach(User::model()->findAll() as $model) {
	foreach($model->services as $service) {
		echo "User {$model->name} has service {$service->name}\n";

$service = Service::model()->findByPk(123);
echo "Onwer of {$service->name} service is {$service->owner->name}\n";


In every model you can override following methods that will be triggered on specific occasions. In case of before... events, the process itself can be stopped if event method returns false.

  • beforeValidate is called before model validation
  • afterValidate is called after performing model validation
  • beforeSave is called before saving model to the DB
  • afterSave is called as soon as model is successfully saved to the DB
  • beforeDelete is called before model is deleted from DB
  • afterDelete is called as soon as model is successfully deleted from the DB


Class ActiveFinder (which is ancestor for ActiveRecord) is used for working with DB views. It shares common logic with ActiveRecord except of saving/deleting rows, validating and events.