
1.1.8 2020-07-21 09:32 UTC


House ORM is a simply PHP object relationship mapping library for wotk with data in database.

Available drivers

  • Memory (for test environment)
  • MySQL


composer require tarasmatskovich/house-orm


For example in datatabase exists table users with fields id, name. You have to create corresponding entity Class and specify fields mapping:


use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Gateway;
use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Field;

 * Class User
 * @package house\Entities\User
 * @Gateway(type="datatable.users")
class User implements UserInterface

     * @var int
     * @Field(map="id")
    private $id;

     * @var null|string
     * @Field(map="name")
    private $name;

     * User constructor.
     * @param null $name
    public function __construct($name = null)
        $this->name = $name;

     * @return int
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * @return string
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

Important part of entity class is docs annotations. It uses for mapping specifing First required type of entity annotations is Gateway in format.

* @Gateway(type="datatable.tablename")

For example if you have table in database named users you have to write:

* @Gateway(type="datatable.users")

Second type of entity annotations is Field

* @Field(map="column_name")

You should specify this annotation on entity class field which want to map:

`   /**
     * @Field(map="name")
    private $name;

Then you have to create repository (mapper) class for work with corresponding entity wich extends houseorm/mapper/DomainMapper class. Lets continue exmple with users:


namespace house\Repositories\UserRepository;

use houseorm\mapper\DomainMapper;

 * Class UserRepository
 * @package house\Repositories
class UserRepository extends DomainMapper implements UserRepositoryInterface


Then you should to register this repository (mapper) in entity manager. This is config params:

use houseorm\config\Config;

 $configParams = [
        'driver' => Config::DRIVER_MYSQL,
        'host'=> '',
        'database' => 'orm',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => ''

House ORM have two drivers. First for real with real mysql database:


Second for tests (All data will be save on PHP proccess memory and you do not need real database):


Creating entity manager and register UserRepository and User entity:

use houseorm\config\Config;
use houseorm\EntityManager;
use house\Repositories\UserRepository;

 $configParams = [
        'driver' => Config::DRIVER_MYSQL,
        'host'=> '',
        'database' => 'orm',
        'user' => 'root',
        'password' => ''

$config = new Config($configParams);
$houseEntityManager = new EntityManager($config);
$houseEntityManager->setMapper('User', new UserRepository(User::class));

Then you can get access to repository:

$userRepository = $entityManager->getMapper('User');


To find user entity with primary key (default id):

$user = $userRepository->find(5);
if (null !== $user) {
    $user->getId(); // 5
    $user->getName(); // my name

Also you can find entity through criteria

$user = $userRepository->findOneBy(['name' => 'Test name');
$users = $userRepository->findBy([['name', 'LIKE', '%name%']);
foreach ($users as $user) {


To save new entity you have to create new object of entity class, fill fields and save through repository:

$user = new User();
$user->setName('Test name');
$user->getId() // 6
$user->getName() // Test name


To update entity you may change some fields and save entity object through repository:

$user->setName('Updated name');
$user = $userRepository->find(6);
$user->getName(); // Updated name


To delete entity:

$user = $userRepository->find(6);
if (null !== $user) {


For specifying relations you have to use special annotations. Exist two types of relations:

  • Simple relation (for example table comments have field user_id which directly related with table users and field id)
  • Complicated relation wich need one more binding table (for exampe exist tables users, roles, and binding table user_roles which have binding fields user_id and role_id which related with fields id in users and roles tables corresponding)

Simple relations

Specifying by special annotation Relation. This is our example with users. User entity class:

use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Relation;

 * Class User
 * @package house\Entities\User
 * @Gateway(type="datatable.users")
class User implements UserInterface {

     * @var int
     * @Field(map="id")
     * @Relation(entity="Comment", key="userId")
    private $id;
* @Relation(entity="Entity key in entity manager", key="related field in this entity")

And new entity Comment class:


use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Gateway;
use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Field;
use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Relation;

 * Class Comment
 * @package house\Entities\Comment
 * @Gateway(type="datatable.comments")
class Comment implements CommentInterface
     * @var null|int
     * @Field(map="user_id")
     * @Relation(entity="User", key="id")
    private $userId;

Complicated relations

To specify complicated relations you have to use special annotation ViaRelation Example - entity Role related with User through binding entity UserRole User entity class:

use houseorm\mapper\annotations\ViaRelation;

 * Class User
 * @package house\Entities\User
 * @Gateway(type="datatable.users")
 * @ViaRelation(entity="Role", via="UserRole", firstLocalKey="id", firstForeignKey="userId", secondLocalKey="id", secondForeignKey="roleId")
class User implements UserInterface

UserRole entity:


namespace house\Entities\UserRole;

use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Gateway;
use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Field;
use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Relation;

 * Class UserRole
 * @package house\Entities\UserRole
 * @Gateway(type="datatable.user_roles")
class UserRole implements UserRoleInterface

     * @var int
     * @Field(map="id")
    private $id;

     * @var int
     * @Field(map="user_id")
     * @Relation(entity="User", key="id")
    private $userId;

     * @var int
     * @Field(map="role_id")
     * @Relation(entity="Role", key="id")
    private $roleId;


Role entity class:


namespace house\Entities\Role;

use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Gateway;
use houseorm\mapper\annotations\Field;

 * Class Role
 * @package house\Entities\Role
 * @Gateway(type="datatable.roles")
class Role implements RoleInterface

     * @var int
     * @Field(map="id")
    private $id;

     * @var string
     * @Field(map="title")
    private $title;


You can use cache to increase performance of ORM work. House ORM support two drivers of cache:

  • Memory cache (usefull for async php)
  • Redis cache Usage memory cache:
use houseorm\Cache\Config\CacheConfig;
use houseorm\config\Config;
use houseorm\EntityManager;

$config = new Config($configParams);
$config->setCacheConfig(new CacheConfig(CacheConfig::MEMORY_DRIVER));
$entityManager = new EntityManager($config);

Usage Redis cache:

use houseorm\Cache\Config\CacheConfig;
use houseorm\config\Config;
use houseorm\EntityManager;

$config = new Config($configParams);
// driver - CacheConfig::REDIS_DRIVER
// cache lifetime - 10
// Redis host -
$config->setCacheConfig(new CacheConfig(CacheConfig::REDIS_DRIVER, 10, ''));
$entityManager = new EntityManager($config);