With this RESTful API you can integrate a global reward or incentive program into your app or platform. If you have any questions or if you'd like to receive your own credentials, please contact us at devsupport@tangocard.com.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

2.3.1 2018-10-22 23:24 UTC


In order to better support our RaaS RESTful API, we've made the decision to no longer support SDKs. This will enable us to invest more resources in our current APIs, add new endpoints more rapidly and provide best-in-class technical support. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. This repository will be removed at the end of June 2019.

If you are currently using this SDK, you are free to continue to use it as it will not break, but it will no longer be supported by Tango Card and after June 2019, you will no longer be able to clone or fork it.


This API SDK was automatically generated by APIMATIC Code Generator.

How To Configure:

The generated code might need to be configured with your API credentials. To do that, open the file "Configuration.php" and edit it's contents.

How To Build:

The generated code has dependencies over external libraries. These dependencies are defined in the composer.json file. To resolve these dependencies, we use the Composer package manager. You will need internet access for this.

  1. If you have not already installed Composer, install the latest version.
  2. Once Composer is installed, from commandline, run composer install to install dependencies.

How To Use:

For using this SDK do the following:

  1. Use Composer to install the dependencies. See the section "How To Build".

  2. See that you have configured your SDK correctly. See the section "How To Configure".

  3. Depending on your project setup, you might need to include composer's autoloader in your PHP code to enable autoloading of classes.

    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
  4. Import the SDK client in your project:

    use RaasLib\RaasClient;
  5. Instantiate the client. After this, you can now get the controllers and call the respective methods:

    $client = new RaasClient();
    $controller = $client->getStatus();

How To Test:

Unit tests in this SDK can be run using PHPUnit.

  1. First install the dependencies using composer including the require-dev dependencies.
  2. Run vendor\bin\phpunit --verbose from commandline to execute tests. If you have installed PHPUnit globally, run tests using phpunit --verbose instead.

You can change the PHPUnit test configuration in the phpunit.xml file.