
Library to detect and convert indentation in strings and files.

1.0.0 2022-03-22 11:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-22 18:02:59 UTC


Library to detect and convert indentation in strings and files, Tabs to spaces or vice versa.

⚡️ Installation

Install via composer or just clone the repo.

Global installation

Install it globally using:

composer global require tal7aouy/indent

✅ Usage

indent [--tabs|--spaces] [-r [--pattern=...]] [files or directories...]

--tabs       convert all indentation to tabs. Assuming 4 spaces tab length.
--spaces     convert all indentation to spaces.

-r           recursively go over all directories given as argument and convert
             files that match --pattern.

--pattern    the pattern to match files for when using -r. Defaults to '*.php'.

--tabstop=N  define number of spaces N to replace a tab with. Defaults to 4.

--help       shows this usage information.

If no file is specified input will be read from STDIN.

🚀 Examples

Convert STDIN, which is the content of index.php to spaces and print the result to STDOUT:

cat index.php | ./indent --spaces

Convert index.php to tabs:

indent --tabs index.php

Convert all .php-files and the LICENSE.md in current dir to spaces:

indent --spaces *.php LICENSE.md

Convert all .php-files in dir to tabs (recursively):

indent --tabs -r dir

Convert all .md-files in dir to spaces (recursively):

indent --spaces --pattern=*.md -r dir

indent was created by tal7aouy under the MIT license.