takuya / php-process-exec
- php: >=8.0
- ext-pcntl: *
- ext-posix: *
- ext-sysvshm: *
- takuya/php-proc_open-wrapper: ^0.1.0
Requires (Dev)
- larapack/dd: ^1.1
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-12 01:54:23 UTC
This help to run process by fork ( proc_open ). This package depends on proc_open wrapper class.
Handling process, Run Long time command safety. and Event handler model.
by packagist
composer require takuya/php-process-exec
by GitHub
name='php-process-exec' composer config repositories.$name \ vcs https://github.com/takuya/$name composer require takuya/$name:master composer install
Pipe process
// prepare $p1arg = new ExecArgStruct("cat /etc/passwd "); $p2arg = new ExecArgStruct('grep takuya'); // pipe $p1 = new ProcessExecutor($p1arg); $p2 = $p1->pipe($p2arg); $p2->start(); echo $p2->getOutput();
Run CMD STRING by bash.
<?php $executor = new ProcessExecutor(['bash']); $executor->setInput(' for i in {0..4}; do echo $i done; '); $executor->start(); //blocking io echo $executor->getOutput();
Do something
at get output as line by line.
<?php $arg = new ExecArgStruct('php'); $src =<<<'EOS' <?php foreach(range(0,4) as $i){ printf("%d\n",$i); } EOS; $arg->setInput( $src ); $executor = new ProcessExecutor( $arg ); $executor->onStdOut(function ($line){ //=> each line. echo $line.PHP_EOL; }); $executor->start();
Do something
after process finished.
<?php // process argument as class $arg = new ExecArgStruct(); $arg->setCmd( ['php'] ); $src = <<<'EOS' <?php echo 'Hello World'; EOS; $arg->setInput( $src ); // run callback by running status. $observer = new ProcessObserver(); $observer->addEventListener( ProcessErrorOccurred::class, fn()=> fwrite("php://stderr","エラー") ); $observer->addEventListener( ProcessFinished::class, fn($ev) =>print($ev->getExecutor()->getOutput()) ); // start process. $executor = new ProcessExecutor( $arg ); $executor->addObserver( $observer ); $executor->start();
Avoiding shell at run command.
run command without shell.
"Run Command should be avoided in php"
, you may have been lectured. One of this reason is SHELL ARGs ESCAPING
Shell string escaping is a troublemaker.
It's easy enough that run command without shell escaping. In php shell exec, pass Array to proc_opee
. it can do that.
<?php # avoid Shell Injection vulnerability by pass as array # Skip shell escaping. $file_name = 'my long spaced doc.txt'; proc_open(['cat',$file_name]...);
Another reason for avoid shell execution is Directory Traversal vulnerability.
This can be avoided by checking values in advance.
<?php # avoid Directory traversal vulnerability by check path. $file_name = '../../../../../../../../etc/shadow'; $file_name = realpath('/my/app_root/'.basename($file_name); proc_open(['cat',$file_name]...);
These ways show that properly use of proc_open
is SAFE.
Even though, proc_open
itself is troublesome function. so I wrote proc_open wrapper class
<?php ## using proc_open as Class $proc = new ProcOpen(['cat',$fname]); $proc->start(); echo stream_get_contents($proc->stdout());
Nonetheless, I still have frustration. when Re-using of COMMAND config (params+args+redirect) is messy. So I wrote a class to make Arguments as class instance ( command options ).
Command as Struct
ExecArgStruct is Cmd itself not process.
<?php ## command option as struct $struct = new ExecArgStruct(['cat',$fname]); $proc = new ProcessExecutor($struct); $proc->start(); echo $proc->getOutput(); // reusable ARGS and easy to run multiple times. $proc = new ProcessExecutor($struct); $proc->start(); echo $proc->getOutput();
By using Struct, we can check and validate arguments, such as must option, restrict command, check file accessible, before run.
Dividing role, EXECUTION and VALIDATION , make process execution simple.
Example: argument checking and validation as construct.
<?php class RestrictedArg extends ExecArgStruct { public function __construct(...){ // check allow command. $this->check() || throw new InvalidArgumentException(); } } // InvalidArgumentException $struct = new RestrictedArg(['passwd',$name]);
Checking indispensable options, like this.
<?php class MyFFmpegStruct extends ExecArgStruct { public function __construct(...){ // check command options. $this->checkOptions() || throw new \Exception('you need "-f" option '); } } //-> InvalidArgumentException $struct = new MyFFmpegStruct(['ffmpeg','-i',$name]);
This package supports to run command more safer
and more easier
than proc_open().
Event Trigger / Event Listener
Using Event, " Process changed, then do something".
with handling process status ( running / finished / error ) increase complexity. Solving this, Event-Listeners can be added.
<?php // define Struct of CMD $arg = new ExecArgStruct('php -i'); $executor = new ProcessExecutor($arg); // Observer( aggregate of Listener ). $observer = new ProcessObserver(); $observer->addEventListener(ProcessStarted::class, fn()=>dump('started'))); $observer->addEventListener(ProcessSuccess::class, fn()=>dump('successfully finisihed'))); $observer->addEventListener(ProcessRunning::class, fn()=>dump('running'))); $observer->addEventListener(ProcessRunning::class, function(ProcessRunning $ev){ // Listeners can be added per Event. printf("pid=%d",$ev->getExecutor()->getProcess()->info->pid); }); // Second Observer. $streamObs = new ProcessObserver(); $streamObs->addEventListener(StdoutChanged::class, fn()=>dump('stdout changed'))); // Bind Observer with CMD executor $executor->addObserver($observer); $executor->addObserver($streamObs); $executor->start();
Process Events are these.
クラス | 説明 |
ProcessReady | initialized |
ProcessStarted | STARTED: Process Started, once called after this ProcessRunning called |
ProcessRunning | RUNNING: in execution( per 0.001sec) |
ProcessErrorOccurred | ERROR Process exit with error. non zero status. |
ProcessCanceled | CANCELED Signal Detected. |
ProcessSucceed | SUCCESS Exit Successfully |
ProcessFinished | FINISHED (both error and success) |
StdoutChanged | STDOUT has been changed. |
StderrChanged | STDERR has been changed. |
Event Observer is used internal of this package, in ProcessExecutor, observer is used to detect IO Streaming.
onStdOut / onStdErr
Skip to write new Observer
, Simplified Listener shortcut callback function is included in ProcessExecutor.
<?php ## simple listener. $executor = new ProcessExecutor( new ExecArgStruct(['cat','file']) ); $executor->onStdOut(function ($line){ echo $line.PHP_EOL; }); $executor->start();
onInputProgress / progress input (pv)
Input Percentage, ( like pv command ) callback function included.
<?php $executor = new ProcessExecutor( new ExecArgStruct(['cat','-']) ); $executor->setInput(fopen('file','r')); $executor->onInputProgress(fn($percent)=>printf("%s%%\n",$percent)); $executor->start();
pass a percentage of input has read.
Notice : this is not stable, reading speed limitation.
Pipe ( piping process )
This is shell pipe sample pipe(|)
cat /etc/passwd | grep takuya
Piping command line in shell by pure proc_open()
is very confusing.
<?php $p1_fd_res = [['pipe','r'],['pipe','w'],['pipe','w']]; $p1 = proc_open(['ls','/etc'],$p1_fd_res,$p1_pipes); fclose($p1_pipes[0]); $p2_fd_res = [$p1_pipes[1],['pipe','w'],['pipe','w']]; $p2 = proc_open(['grep','su'],$p2_fd_res,$p2_pipes); while(proc_get_status($p1)["running"]){ usleep(100); } while(proc_get_status($p2)["running"]){ usleep(100); } // $str = fread($p2_pipes[1],1024); var_dump($str);
I wrote ProcOpen
class to make easier for using pipe process than proc_open
<?php $p1 = new ProcOpen(['/bin/echo','<?php echo "Hello";']); $p1->start(); $p2 = new ProcOpen(['/usr/bin/php']); $p2->setInput($p1->stdout()); $p2->start(); $p1->wait(); $p2->wait(); // echo stream_get_contents($p2->stdout()); //=> Hello
Supporting pipe()
as function, raise the abstraction level of pipe process.
<?php $arg1 = new ExecArgStruct('bash'); $arg1->setInput( <<<EOS echo -n '<?php echo "Hello World".PHP_EOL;'; EOS ); $e1 = new ProcessExecutor( $arg1 ); $e2 = new ProcessExecutor( new ExecArgStruct('php') ); $e1->pipe($e2); $out = $e2->getOutput(); echo $out
Two STDERR in Pipe , read separately
For example, run 2 process pv x.mp4| ffmpeg -i pipe:0
like this.
"pv -f -L 2M work.mp4 | ffmpeg -y -i pipe:0 -s 1280x720 -movflags faststart out.mp4"
Normal shell (ex. bash ), output is write to stderr(2), and '\r' will cancel each other stderr.
500KiB 0:00:02 [ 251KiB/s] [==============> ] 46% ETA 0:00:02\r frame= 0 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:01.42 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=1.47x\r
To resolve this, Separate STDERR per process and individually out (cmd 2>err.txt
). but, this way , reading stderr is messy.
## background and individually output. pv -f -L 2M work.mp4 2>err.1.txt | \ ffmpeg -y -i pipe:0 -s 1280x720 -movflags faststart out.mp4" 2> err.2.txt & ## tail 2 log files. tail -f err.1.txt err.2.txt
Without shell (bash) output file, directory access to To STDERR by programme, Reading Two of STDERR is very simple. This package supports two of stderr in pipe.
<?php // Pipe process $pv = new ExecArgStruct( 'pv -f -L 2M work.mp4' ); $ffmpeg = new ExecArgStruct('ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -s 1280x720 -movflags faststart out.mp4'); $p1 = new ProcessExecutor( $pv ); $p2 = new ProcessExecutor( $ffmpeg ); $p1->pipe( $p2 ); // Each STDERR can be access. $p1->onStderr( fn( $progress ) => dump("pv: ".$progress) , "\r" ); $p2->onStderr( fn( $enc_stat ) => dump("ffmpeg: ".$enc_stat), "\r" );
Result is this , Each STDERR printed separately.Each STDERR can handle as each stream.
"pv: 500KiB 0:00:02 [ 251KiB/s] [==============> ] 46% ETA 0:00:02"
"pv: 750KiB 0:00:03 [ 251KiB/s] [======================> ] 70% ETA 0:00:01"
"pv: 1000KiB 0:00:04 [ 251KiB/s] [==============================> ] 93% ETA 0:00:00"
"pv: 1.05MiB 0:00:04 [ 251KiB/s] [================================>] 100% "
"ffmpeg: frame= 0 fps=0.0 q=0.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:01.42 bitrate= 0.3kbits/s speed=1.47x"
"ffmpeg: frame= 44 fps= 16 q=29.0 size= 0kB time=00:00:03.32 bitrate= 0.1kbits/s speed=1.24x"
"ffmpeg: frame= 80 fps= 21 q=29.0 size= 256kB time=00:00:04.54 bitrate= 461.6kbits/s speed=1.21x"
Classes in This EXEC package
Class | 説明 |
ProcOpen |
proc_open() wrapper |
ExecArgStruct |
Command Argument Structs for |
ProcessExecutor |
ProcOpen Wrapper for EventHandling |
ProcessObserver |
ProcessExecutor Aggregator of Process Event |
StreamIO |
Encapsuling php stream resource of Process |
StreamReader |
Generator for line。read line from StreamIO 。 |
This packaged is interfered with PIPE_BUFF / PIPE_SIZE
of Linux kernel.
Without reading STDOUT and STDOUT , and too many writing , Linux PIPE buff get stuck. Then, Process can't write ,
Linux will make sleep the process . Kernel has PIPE_SIZE=65,536
bytes.If stdout
keep 64kb without reading, then the process will be stopped.
To prevent this blocking, Streams must be read proper timing or specify output file.
Like command that FFMpeg
, ImageMagick
is used in proc_open
, It will write large size byte onto
STDOUT, These command will be blocked and stopped.
This package is on purpose designed not to prevent blocking.
This package intended very consciously will be blocked and stopped.
<?php // stopped by IO Blocking at stdout. $arg = ExecArgStruct('ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 1280x720 -f mp4 pipe:1'); $ffmpeg = new ProcessExecutor( $arg ); $ffmpeg->start();// blocked // not stopped, // stdout will be written to FILE(output.bin) $arg = ExecArgStruct('ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 1280x720 -f mp4 pipe:1'); $arg->setStdout(fopen('output.bin','w')); $ffmpeg = new ProcessExecutor( $arg ); $ffmpeg->start();// not blocked
Notice 2: semaphore
Semaphore and SharedMemory is used in ForkedExecutor
in daemonize.
Semaphore and SharedMemory will cause trouble, shortage of size and fails to allocate memory, without deallocating.
After interrupted of CTRL-C, Check Semaphore and SharedMemory is released.
Use these command carefully to manage. ( especially macOS, has few memory for shared memory)
ipcs -a ipcmr -m $id ## 例 ipcs -a | \grep `whoami` | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I@ ipcrm -m @ ipcs -a | \grep `whoami` | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I@ ipcrm -s @
Notice 3 : pcntl_async_signals
called in advance, to signal detection.
POSIX signal detection , write one line (pcntl_async_signals). Without pcntl_async_signals
result in no POSIX
signal. (see :PHP and SIGNALS,in background )
pcntl_async_signals( true )
In ProcessExecutor
this line implicitly, but proc_open
and ProcOpen
(wrapper) needs explicitly calling.
run PHPUnit for testing this.
git clone https://github.com/takuya/php-process-exec
cd php-process-exec
composer install
vendor/bin/phpunit --filter ProcOpenTest
code coverage
show Code coverage in phpunit
XDEBUG_MODE=debug,coverage vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html coverage
TODO: 2024-05-27
- Buffering stdout,stdout after reached Linux PIPE_MAX
- supporting TTY
- check by stream_isatty and can write Y/N.
todo: 2024-09-15
Buffering stdout,stdout after reached Linux PIPE_MAX
ffprobe raise trouble , so I need automated buffering.
// ffprobeを起動するだけでもめんどくさい。 // $args = $this->buildCmd( $path, $opts ); if ( !is_readable($path)){ throw new \RuntimeException("path is not readable ( {$path} ) "); } $p = new ProcessExecutor( $args ); $out_buff=''; $p->onStdout(function($line)use(&$out_buff){ $out_buff.=$line.PHP_EOL;}, PHP_EOL ); $p->start(); return [1 => $out_buff, 2 => $p->getErrout()];