takuya / php-proc_open-wrapper
proc_open wrapper to exec command.
- php: >=8.0
Requires (Dev)
- ext-pcntl: *
- ext-posix: *
- larapack/dd: ^1.1
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.5
Run process and run string by interpreter(ex.python,bash). and keep process long time task running.
is distinctive style. so I make proc_open
EASY and friendly.
from packagist.
composer require takuya/php-proc_open-wrapper
from GitHub repos.
name='php-proc_open-wrapper' composer config repositories.$name \ vcs https://github.com/takuya/$name composer require takuya/$name:master composer install
check installation.
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Takuya\ProcOpen\ProcOpen; $p = new ProcOpen( ['php','-v'] ); $p->start(); // This is enough to wait process end, because blocked. echo $output = stream_get_contents($p->getFd(1));
php sample.php
wait long time process.
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Takuya\ProcOpen\ProcOpen; $p = new ProcOpen( ['sleep','30'] ); $p->start(); $p->wait();
comparison proc_open , ProcOpen.
compare proc_open(original) , ProcOpen(this package) in using.
- process (no input)
- process (with stdin,stderr,stdout )
- process (read output)
- process (pipe line)
simple (no input, no stdout)
<?php $proc = proc_open('rm -rf /tmp/ABcDE',[1=>['pipe','w'],2=>['pipe','w']],$io); while( ($pstat = proc_get_status($proc))&& $pstat['running'] ){ usleep(100); }
ProcOpen Wrapper(this package)
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Takuya\ProcOpen\ProcOpen; // $p = new ProcOpen('rm -rf /tmp/ABcDE'); $p->start(); $p->wait();
simple ( with stdin,stderr,stdout )
<?php $proc = proc_open('grep root',[0=>['pipe','r'],1=>['pipe','w'],2=>['pipe','w']],$io); // pass stdin stream_copy_to_stream(fopen('/etc/passwd','r'),$io[0]); fclose($io[0]); // get stderr , stdout file_put_contents('php://stderr',stream_get_contents($io[2])); echo stream_get_contents($io[1]);
ProcOpen Wrapper (this package)
<?php use Takuya\ProcOpen\ProcOpen; $proc = new ProcOpen(['grep','root']); $proc->setInput(fopen('/etc/passwd','r')); $proc->start(); file_put_contents('php://stderr',$proc->getErrout()); echo $proc->getOutput();
simple ( read output )
Open php Interactive Shell (php -a
) and write and read out
takuya@host :$ php -a Interactive shell php > echo 0; 0 php > echo 1; 1 php > echo 2; 2
: Do as above.
<?php $proc = proc_open(['php','-a'],[0 =>['pipe','r'],1 =>['pipe','w']],$io); foreach (range(0, 9) as $str) { echo fread($io[1],1024); fwrite($io[0],"echo {$str};\n"); } fclose($io[0]); echo stream_get_contents($io[1]);
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen(['php','-a']); $proc->start(); foreach (range(0, 9) as $str) { echo fread($proc->stdout(),1024); fwrite($proc->stdin(),"echo {$str};\n"); } fclose($proc->stdin()); echo $proc->getOutput();
sample pipe( String and Shell )
is accept string $cmd
but not safe.
<?php # shell calling, Not Safe. $proc = proc_open('cat /etc/passwd | grep root',[1=>['pipe','w']],$io); echo stream_get_contents($io[1]); # pipe io , More Safe. $p1 = proc_open(['cat','/etc/passwd'],[1=>['pipe','w']],$p1_io); $p2 = proc_open(['grep','root'],[0=>$p1_io[1],1=>['pipe','w']],$p2_io); echo stream_get_contents($p2_io[1]);
wrapper, shell call and pipe io
<?php // shell calling, explicitly use SHELL. $p = new ProcOpen(['bash']); $p->setInput('cat /etc/passwd | grep root'); $p->start(); echo $p->getOutput(); // pipe io , more safe and easy to maintenance. $p1 = new ProcOpen(['cat','/etc/passwd']); $p2 = new ProcOpen(['grep','root']); $p1->start(); $p2->setInput($p1->stdout()); $p2->start(); echo $p2->getOutput();
composer install vendor/bin/phpunit vendor/bin/phpunit --filter ProcOpen
See Examples.
safer process call
This package directly exec command, not using 'shell'.
proc_open executes command directly, without shell ( fork then exec ).
Using proc_open correctly, directory traversal
vulnerability , shell injection
vulnerability will not be occurred. Shell escaping will not be needed. this can reduce risks.
Don't escape string , use array.
use cmd array. not escaping.
proc_open can accept cmd string, but cmd string may be danger(mal-escaping). exec cmd by array is more safe.
<?php $p = new ProcOpen( ['php','-v'] ); $p->start(); $p->wait(); // $output = stream_get_contents($p->getFd(1));
you must check arguments.
To prevent directory traversal. you must check args in advance. cmd string cannot be checked, but array can check.
<?php $file_name = '../../../../../../../../etc/shadow'; $file_name = realpath('/my/app_root/'.basename($file_name);// false proc_open(['cat',$file_name]...);
pipe process
Make easy to pipe process by proc_open.
<?php // // run `php -i | grep pcntl` by ProcOpen class // $p1 = new ProcOpen( ['php','-i'] ); $p1->start(); $p2 = new ProcOpen(['grep','pcntl']) $p2->setInput($p1->getFd(1));//pipe p1->stdout to p2->stdin $p2->start(); // $p1->wait(); $p2->wait(); // $output = stream_get_contents($p2->getFd(1));
pipe by pure php. It's very painful.
<?php // // run `ls /etc | grep su` by proc_open() pipe // $p1_fd_res = [['pipe','r'],['pipe','w'],['pipe','w']]; $p1 = proc_open(['ls','/etc'],$p1_fd_res,$p1_pipes); fclose($p1_pipes[0]); $p2_fd_res = [$p1_pipes[1],['pipe','w'],['pipe','w']]; $p2 = proc_open(['grep','su'],$p2_fd_res,$p2_pipes); while(proc_get_status($p1)["running"]){ usleep(100); } while(proc_get_status($p2)["running"]){ usleep(100); } // $str = fread($p2_pipes[1],1024); var_dump($str);
Use this ProcOpen class , reduce cost by naturally call proc_open.
Run string as shell script.
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen(['bash'],__DIR__,['SHELL'=>'php']); $proc->setInput(' for i in {0..4}; do echo $i done; '); $proc->start(); $proc->wait(); //blocking io echo fread($proc->getFd(1), 1024);
Run string as python code.
run python code in proc_open
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen(['python']); $proc->setInput(' import os; import sys for i in range(5): print(i); print("end") print(sys.path) '); $proc->start(); $proc->wait(); //blocking io echo stream_get_contents($proc->getFd(ProcOpen::STDOUT);
Run php interactive shell php -a
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen(['php','-a']); $proc->start(); $fp = $proc->getFd(ProcOpen::STDIN); fwrite($fp,'echo 0 ;'.PHP_EOL); fwrite($fp,'echo 1 ;'.PHP_EOL); fwrite($fp,'echo 2 ;'.PHP_EOL); fwrite($fp,'echo 3 ;'.PHP_EOL); fwrite($fp,'echo 4 ;'.PHP_EOL); fclose($fp); // finish php interactive shell // get output. $output= stream_get_contents($proc->getFd(1));
wait() is not always needed.
read output will be Blocked by OS until process end. Proc#wait
is not always needed.
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen(['cat','/etc/passwd']); $proc->start(); // $proc automatically wait by OS blocking io. // `$proc->wait();` is not necessary. echo stream_get_contents($proc->stdout);
ProcOpen has shortcut by function
<?php // a shortcut function. $proc->getOutput(); // Same to this. stream_get_contents($proc->stdout)
Linux pipe max.
Linux pipe will be Stuck(blocked) if left unread.
is 1024*64
so if you try to write one more byte (1024*64+1
bytes) to stdout
, process will be blocked by OS.
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen( ['php'] ); $proc->setInput(<<<'EOS' <?php define('LINUX_PIPE_SIZE_MAX',1024*64+1); foreach(range(1,LINUX_PIPE_SIZE_MAX) as $i){ echo 'a'; } EOS); $proc->start(); // this will be blocked.
To avoid BUFF stuck use blockingIO instead of wait.
<?php $popen = new ProcOpen(['php','-i'],null,$env); $popen->start(); // instead of wait() use blockingIO. return stream_get_contents($popen->stdout());
or, To avoid blocking, you can use tmp-io.
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen( ['php'] ); $proc->setInput(<<<'EOS' <?php define('LINUX_PIPE_SIZE_MAX',1024*64+1); foreach(range(1,LINUX_PIPE_SIZE_MAX) as $i){ echo 'a'; } EOS); $proc->setStdout($tmp = fopen('php://temp','w')); $proc->start(); // this will be successfully finished.
Or use select syscall
and read the buffer.
<?php $proc = new ProcOpen( ['php'] ); $proc->setInput(<<<'EOS' <?php define('LINUX_PIPE_SIZE_MAX',1024*64+1); foreach(range(1,LINUX_PIPE_SIZE_MAX) as $i){ echo 'a'; } EOS); $proc->start(); // use select not to be clogged. $output = ''; $avail = stream_select( ...( $selected = [[$proc->getFd( 1 )], [], null, 0, 100] ) ); if ( $avail > 0 ) { $output .= fread( $proc->getFd( 1 ), 1 ); }
'php://temp' may be looks good, but that is not all good. It will be cast to TEMP FILE.
$popen = new ProcOpen(['php','-i'],null,$env); // This is not memory , proc_open cast IO to /tmp/phpXXXX . $popen->setOutput($out=fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:'.(1024*1024*10))); $popen->start(); $popen->wait(); // in case Ctrl-C this will remain temp_file in /tmp echo $popen->getOutput();//
To use fopen wrapppers , flag the property before start.
$popen = new ProcOpen(['php','-i'],null,$env); $popen->enableBuffering();//FLAG // after add Flag , memory can be used. $popen->setOutput(fopen('php://memory','w+')); $popen->start(); $popen->wait(); echo $popen->getOutput();// no blocking, no error.