
2.1.0 2023-10-02 15:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 16:42:27 UTC


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Laravel storyblok is a wrapper around the official Storyblok php client with some extra Laravel perks.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require takethelead/laravel-storyblok

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TakeTheLead\LaravelStoryblok\LaravelStoryblokServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [

     * The api key used to authenticated with the Storyblok api.
    'api_key' => env('STORYBLOK_API_KEY'),

     * Cache Storyblok api responses.
    'enable_local_cache' => env('STORYBLOK_ENABLE_LOCAL_CACHE', true),

     * Cache filename.
    'cache_version_file_name' => 'storyblok-content-version.json',

     * Cache location on the selected disk
    'cache_path' => 'storyblok/cache',

     * Storage disk
    'disk' => 'local',

     * Enable edit mode.
    'enable_edit_mode' => env('STORYBLOK_ENABLE_EDIT_MODE', false),

     * The webhook secret, you can leave this empty when you are not using a secret.
    'webhook_secret' => env('STORYBLOK_WEBHOOK_SECRET', ''),

     * The middleware that should be applied to the webhook route.
    'route_middleware' => [

     * The actions that should be execute whenever the webhook gets called.
     * All actions should implement the \TakeTheLead\LaravelStoryblok\Actions\ActionInterface
    'webhook_actions' => [


The base class

This package provides a wrapper around the default Storyblok client class and registers it within the Laravel service container.

use Storyblok;


Need something else?

If you need more functionality you get an instance of the underlying Storyblok API with:

use Storyblok;

$api = Storyblok::getApi();

Handling webhooks

This package ships with a preconfigured setup for handling webhooks. Simply add the route below to your routes file.


Make sure to add this route to the except array within the VerifyCsrfToken middleware to prevent token mismatches.

Verifing the webhook signature

If you have configured a webhook secret in Storyblok, make sure to add it as an environment variable to your env file. Out of the box a middleware is applied to your route to verify the signature. You are however free to add your own implementation (or add extra middleware) from within route_middleware setting in the config file.


Performing actions whenever the webhook is called

Within the config file you can specify which actions should be performed whenever the webhook is being called. The setting key is called webhook_actions. When adding your own action classes, make sure they implement the \TakeTheLead\LaravelStoryblok\Actions\ActionInterface. Otheriwse your action won't be exectued.



use \TakeTheLead\LaravelStoryblok\Actions\ActionInterface;

class YourAction implements ActionInterface
    public function __construct()
        // you can inject any class registerd within the IOC container

    public function execute(): void
        // Perform your action

The ClearStoryblokCacheCommand

This package provides a way to specify content cache versions to Storyblok, you can clear the current cache version by executing the below artisan command.

Note: it is recommended to have a workflow for handling deployments & content changes from within Storyblok. This can be done by adding the command to your deploy script and by configureting a webhook in Storyblok to listen for content changes.

php artisan storyblok:clear-cache

Richtext resolver

The package automatically requires and installs the Storyblok richtecht resolver package for php to parse storry content formats. More information can be found in the official package.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.