
Creates MySQL views automatically during dev/build .

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Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


0.2.0 2020-01-11 23:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-12 09:22:12 UTC


This module allows you to create MySQL views that are automatically built and updated during the /dev/build process (or via a separate BuildTask, if you prefer not to do this during /dev/build).


class MyView extends DataView
	public static function getViewStatement()
        	//Borrow SQL from a DataList:
        	return MyDataObject::get()->filter('SoftDeleted', false);
        	//Custom SQL:
        	return new SQLSelect(['Book.Title','Author.Name'],'Book')->addLeftJoin('Author','Book.AuthorID = Author.ID');
        	//The quick and dirty way: hard coded SQL:
        	return 'SELECT quantity, price, quantity*price AS amount FROM Product';

Now just run /dev/build in your browser or php framework/cli-script.php dev/tasks/UpdateDataViewsTask in terminal. Now you have your new view defined in the database. Note that you do need to gave CREATE VIEW and DROP VIEW permissions in the database! DROP VIEW is mandatory for updating the structure of existing views.

Unfortunately this module does not currently offer any method to read data from views, but I'm planning to do some research to determine what would be the most meaningful way to achieve this.


For version 1.0 I would like this module to have:

  • DataList style way to filter and iterate records from views
  • DataObject style way to read properties from records (no write ability. Writing should be done through regular DataObjects or custom SQL commands)
  • Support for SilverStripe 4.x
  • A better documentation
  • Probably something more...


If you have any ideas about how to improve this module or any questions, I would be glad to hear them! :) Please raise an issue or create a pull request - which ever you like.