
Media Library for Laravel

2.4.6 2024-03-01 10:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-30 10:49:27 UTC


This package can associate images with Eloquent models.

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads

Getting Started

1. Install

Run the following command:

composer require tahirrasheed208/laravel-medialibrary

2. Publish

Publish config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="TahirRasheed\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag=config

3. Database

Migrate your database.

php artisan migrate


Your Eloquent models should use the TahirRasheed\MediaLibrary\Traits\HasMedia trait.

Use blade component to add file uploader in your form.

<x-medialibrary-file-upload name="image" />

For display old image in edit page.

<x-medialibrary-file-upload name="image" :model="$model" />


$model = Model::find(1);

If your file input name is not image then define second param.


Upload to specific collection.


You can define default collection at eloquent level. Add below function in your model.

public function defaultCollection(): string
    return 'post_images';

Upload to specific disk.


Register Media Conversions

public function registerMediaConversions()

You can register as many media conversions as you want

public function registerMediaConversions()


Default force crop is disabled, but you can enable it


Disable Conversions

If you want to disable registered conversions on some files



Define your layout stack in config file.

'stack' => 'footer',

Or you can use our blade directive.


Gallery with Dropzone

<x-medialibrary-dropzone name="gallery" />

Attach gallery to model using blelow code.


You can also define collection for gallery.

<x-medialibrary-dropzone name="gallery" collection="dropzone" />

You can define model to dropzone component as well. When you define model to component all images are automatically attached to model.

<x-medialibrary-dropzone name="gallery" :model="$model" />

You can also change the default dropzone message.

<x-medialibrary-dropzone name="gallery" message="Drop files here" />

Add Media from Url

$model->addMediaFromUrl($url, 'image')->toMediaCollection();

Implements with Laravel Settings

Install settings package

composer require tahirrasheed208/laravel-settings

Blade component to display old file

<x-medialibrary-file-upload name="image" setting="{{ setting()->get('name') }}" />

To upload file

setting()->upload($request->toArray(), 'file_name');

By default we expect file name is your option name, but you can define your option name as well

setting()->upload($request->toArray(), 'file_name', 'option_name');

Get Uploaded File Url



Please see Releases for more information what has changed recently.


Pull requests are more than welcome. You must follow the PSR coding standards.


If you discover any security related issues, please email tahirrasheedhtr@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.