
This exposes API to make bank transfer with Glade Pay Gateway

dev-main 2021-02-21 14:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-21 20:47:51 UTC


This package does two things

1. Initialize bank tranfer flow, returns account details to make payment to.
2. Verifies bank transfer status, returns status of payment.
Status code returned include
1: 401 for unauthenticated response
2: 400 for wrong method or wrong data format supplied
3: 500 for for invalid integration
Successful request will return an stdClass Object


composer require taghwo/glade-bank-transfer-task
Create a .env file in the root on your project and set fill in details
Glade_Test_Base_Endpoint: https://demo.api.gladepay.com/

#include autoload in your project (PHP file)

 require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

 Run composer dump-autoload


Initialize Bank Transfer Payment

Call the InitPayment class
use Taghwo\Glade\BankTransfer\Core\InitPayment;

Make an instance of the class
$bankTransfer = new InitPayment();

Request example
$response = $bankTransfer
            ->customUserData(['email' => "jacky@example.com","firstname"=>"John", "lastname"=>"Doe"])

Available methods For Initializing Payment

There are few methods that can be chained together.

amountPayable() this sets the amount to charge for the transaction
Throws InvalidData Exception if amount is not supplied
customUserData() takes an array of user data, this add more detail to the transaction. You can add first_name, last_name, email, IP address and fingerprint
country() country to use for this transaction. If not supplied it, will be set to "NG"
currency() currency to use for this transaction. If not supplied it, will be set to "NGN"
execute() this executes the initialization process
Response Example
( [status] => 202 [txnRef] => GP83015561620210221D [auth_type] => device [accountNumber] => 9922554842 [accountName] => GladePay Demo [bankName] => Providus Bank [accountExpires] => 600 [message] => Make a transfer into the following account using your bank app or internet banking platfrom to complete the transaction )

Verify Bank Transfer Payment

Call the VerifyPayment class
use Taghwo\Glade\BankTransfer\Core\VerifyPayment;

Request example, it takes the transaction reference as argument

$verifyPayment = new VerifyPayment('txnRef');

$response = $verifyPayment


Available methods For Verifying Payment Status

execute() this executes the verification process
Response Example
( [status] => 200 [txnStatus] => pending [txnRef] => GP83015561620210221D [message] => PENDING [chargedAmount] => 0 [currency] => NG [payment_method] => bank_transfer [fullname] => John Doe [email] => jacky@example.com [bank_message] => Awaiting Validation )