
An easy-to-use server using taeluf/liaison and taeluf/phad

v0.2.x-dev 2022-06-30 17:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:37:26 UTC


Taeluf's Server | Liaison & Phad

Easy-to-setup server using my foss libs.

For an example setup see test/Server/.

Notice March 24, 2022 !!!

user-ship is not ready yet, so many features of Phad are not valuable. You CAN set-up user hooks yourself, but meh.


  • php/liaison: The server framework
  • php/lia/phad: A library that compiles pure-html (with some custom tags) into database-connected views. The html may contain php for additional customization.

Extra Stuff


I write this for myself. I also write tests & document relatively well. This means it's probably safe for you to use.

However, since I'm currently focused on solving my own needs, I may deprecate or cause breaking changes without warning. Any BIG breaking changes will likely be a new branch with a version bump. But no promises.


composer require taeluf/server v0.2.x-dev   

or in your composer.json

{"require":{ "taeluf/server": "v0.2.x-dev"}}  

Basic Setup

  1. create a deliver.php script (see below)
  2. Create some of the folder structure (better to see test/Server/) for a full example.
  3. run vendor/bin/tlfserv to generate an error page, sitemap (only from phad items), and to re-compile phad items
  4. View documentation for liaison & phad (see above) to figure out how to do everything. Good luck!

Cli Stuff

For additional info, see bin/tlfserv
Execute vendor/bin/tlfserv to run all commands, or run them individually:

  • tlfserv error-page: generate an error page
  • tlfserv generate-sitemap: generate a sitemap for PHAD items only (does not sitemap any non-phad routes. Sorry)
  • tlfserv recompile-phad: Recompile all PHAD items.

File/Folder structure

  • deliver.php: The script that runs your whole server.
  • public: files that are routed by liason automatically
  • phad: contains views for phad
  • view: contains simple views for liaison
  • file: files for direct download (uses a faster router and skips liaison)
  • fastroute: scripts for direct execution (uses a faster router and skips liaison)
  • cache: cache dir
  • sitemap: where the sitemap file goes

Sample deliver.php script

$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? 'localhost';  
$debug = true;  
$dir = __DIR__;  
    function($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {  
        throw new \ErrorException($errstr, $errno, 0, $errfile, $errline);  
$pdo = new \PDO('sqlite:'.$dir.'/db.sqlite');  
$server = new \Tlf\Server();  
$server->enable_phad($dir, $pdo);  
// i think $lia is used by the cli  
$lia = $server->lia;  
$site = $server->addServer($dir);  


class Tlf\Server

A (somewhat) minimal layer on top of Liaison & Phad to make them much easier to setup.



  • static public $IS_TLFSERV_CLI = false; set TRUE to stop deliver() from delivering
  • public bool $debug = false; if true, print error messages & always recompile everything
    See init() for initialization.
  • public bool $enable_error_route = true; Set false before calling init() if you want to implement your own /generic-error-page/ route
  • public array $phads = []; array of phad objects
  • public \Env $env; environment object
  • public \Lia $lia; Liaison object
  • public \Phad $phad; The most recently set Phad object. See $this->phads for list of all phad instances
  • public \Lia\Package $main; The main server package


  • public function __construct()
  • public function init($debug=null) Initialize liaison.
  • public function load_env(string $file) Load environment settings file
  • public function set_cache_dir(string $dir)
  • public function disable_theme() To disable the theme which generally provides a full HTML doc
  • public function file_route($dir) quickly route to a file in $dir
  • public function php_route($dir) quickly route to a script in $dir
  • public function is_request_to(string $url_prefix) Check if the request uri starts with the given string
  • public function addServer($dir,$name=null, $url_prefix'/') Add a standard Liaison server package for the given dir
  • public function env_pdo() Get a pdo object with a mysql connection that's defined in your env settings file
    The settings must define:
    mysql.host, mysql.dbname, mysql.user, & mysql.password
  • public function phad_item(string $item, array $args = [])
  • public function enable_phad(string $dir, \PDO $pdo, $phad_class='Phad', $route_prefix'')
  • public function deliver() Run $lia->deliver() & automatically handle errors
  • public function debug()
  • public function enable_analytics(\PDO $pdo) 1. Save the current page to analytics

    1. Enable the analytics route, if phad is enabled

class Tlf\Server\Helper




  • public function markdown_to_html(string $markdown) Convert markdown to html, if CommonMark is installed