
Data Transfer Objects with nested structures in PHP

0.1.1 2023-11-12 11:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 23:32:35 UTC


What problem does it solve?

Sometimes it may be necessary to convert a complex multi-layered array into an object-oriented format that preserves the original structure.

To achieve this result DTO-Wizard provides a straightforward API that eliminates the need for repetitive iterations and transformations.

Basic usage

class User
    public string $name;
    public int $age;
    public int $score;

$rawData = ['name'=> 'John', 'age'=> 25];

$user = \Taboritis\DTO\Factory::create(User::class, $rawData);

$user->name     // John
$user->age      // 25
$user->score    // Error - property must be initialized

Readonly properties

It is strongly recommended to use readonly properties as often as possible. This will have the same effect as unchanged data.

class User
    public readonly string $name;

$user = User::create(['name'=>'John']);
$user->name = 'Mary'; // Error: Cannot initialize readonly property 

Private properties

Although setting private properties is not recommended in DTO, it can be done using DtoWizard/Factory. However, it is important to remember that in such cases, you must also create a getter that allows access to the given property. Of course, in this situation, you can benefit from the advantages of using a getter, such as its ability to handle properties that are unset or nullable.

class User
    private readonly string $name;
    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name ?? 'default';

$user = User::create(['name'=>'John'])
$user->name = 'Mary'; // Error: Cannot initialize readonly property 

Default values

Default properties can be set in 3 ways:

  • in the property itself (warning: readonly properties cannot have default value)
  • in the constructor
  • in the getter.

It's entirely up to you to decide whether and how to utilize this feature.

Casting values by examples

In simple cases, PHP's type juggling mechanism casts assigned property values to the necessary type.

class User
    public readonly int $age;

$user = User::create(['age' => '23']);  // '23' (string)
$user->age                              // 23 (integer)


class User
    public readonly bool $active;

$user = \Taboritis\DTO\Factory::create(User::class, ['active' => 0]);
$user->active // false (boolean)


class User
    public readonly bool $active;

$user = \Taboritis\DTO\Factory::create(User::class, ['name' => 11]);
$user->name // '11' (string)


class User
    public readonly int $age;

$user = \Taboritis\DTO\Factory::create(User::class, ['age' => '25.7']);
$user->age // 25 (int, but with warning about deprecation)




class User
    public readonly DateTimeImmutable $verifiedAt;

$user = \Taboritis\DTO\Factory::create(User::class, ['verifiedAt'=> '2020-10-10 00:00:00']);
$user->verifiedAt // instance of DateTimeImmutable


class Address
    public readonly string $street;
    public readonly string $number;

class User
    public readonly Address $address;

$user = \Taboritis\DTO\Factory::create(User::class, [
    'name' => 'Hudson (landlady)',
    'title' => 'Mrs.'
    'address' => [
        'street' => 'Baker Street',
        'number' => '221B'

$user->address // instance of Department
$user->address->street // Baker Street 


// TODO: must implement Traversable