
Laravel Calendar Event

0.2.1 2019-09-04 17:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 05:27:11 UTC


Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License Build Status codecov Maintainability


composer require t1k3/laravel-calendar-event

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


You need publish to the config.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="T1k3\LaravelCalendarEvent\ServiceProvider"

You need to run the migrations for this package.

php artisan migrate


Recurring options

  • DAY
  • WEEK
  • YEAR
  • NTHWEEKDAY: nth weekday per month, example 2nd Monday

Create CalendarEvent

If you like to attach User and/or Place then must have:

  • configurate config/calendar-event.php
  • implements UserInterface, PlaceInterface on your Models
  • you can use CalendarEventUserTrait, CalendarEventPlaceTrait in Models
use T1k3\LaravelCalendarEvent\Interfaces\PlaceInterface;
use T1k3\LaravelCalendarEvent\Traits\CalendarEventPlaceTrait;

class Place extends Model implements PlaceInterface
    use CalendarEventPlaceTrait;
use T1k3\LaravelCalendarEvent\Models\CalendarEvent;
use T1k3\LaravelCalendarEvent\Enums\RecurringFrequenceType;

$calendarEvent = new CalendarEvent();
$calendarEvent = $calendarEvent->createCalendarEvent([
    'title'                         => 'Lorem ipsum',
    'start_datetime'                => Carbon::parse('2017-08-25 16:00:00'),
    'end_datetime'                  => Carbon::parse('2017-08-25 17:30:00'),
    'description'                   => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
    'is_recurring'                  => true,
    'frequence_number_of_recurring' => 1,
    'frequence_type_of_recurring'   => RecurringFrequenceType::WEEK,
    'is_public'                     => true,
    'end_of_recurring'              => Carbon::parse('2017-09-08')
], $user = null, $place = null);

Edit and Update CalendarEvent

$calendarEvent        = CalendarEvent::find($id);
$calendarEventUpdated = $calendarEvent->editCalendarEvent([
    'start_datetime' => Carbon::parse('2017-08-26'),
    'is_recurring'   => false,
], $user = null, $place = null);

// $calendarEventUpdated === null ? dd('NOT_MODIFIED') : dd('MODIFIED', $calendarEventUpdated);

Update CalendarEvent (without data check)

$calendarEvent        = CalendarEvent::find($id);
$calendarEventUpdated = $calendarEvent->updateCalendarEvent([
    'start_datetime' => Carbon::parse('2017-08-26'),
    'is_recurring'   => false,
], $user = null, $place = null);

Delete CalendarEvent

$calendarEvent = CalendarEvent::find($id);
$isDeleted     = $calendarEvent->deleteCalendarEvent($isRecurring = null);

Edit and Update not existing CalendarEvent

use T1k3\LaravelCalendarEvent\Models\TemplateCalendarEvent;

$templateCalendarEvent = TemplateCalendarEvent::find($id);
$calendarEventUpdated  = $templateCalendarEvent->editCalendarEvent(Carbon::parse('2017-08-30'), [
    'description' => 'Foo Bar'
], $user = null, $place = null);

// $calendarEventUpdated === null ? dd('NOT_MODIFIED') : dd('MODIFIED', $calendarEventUpdated);

Update not existing CalendarEvent (without data check)

use T1k3\LaravelCalendarEvent\Models\TemplateCalendarEvent;

$templateCalendarEvent = TemplateCalendarEvent::find($id);
$calendarEventUpdated  = $templateCalendarEvent->updateCalendarEvent(Carbon::parse('2017-08-30'), [
    'description' => 'Foo Bar'
], $user = null, $place = null);

Delete not existing CalendarEvent

$templateCalendarEvent = TemplateCalendarEvent::find($id);
$isDeleted             = $templateCalendarEvent->deleteCalendarEvent(Carbon::parse('2017-08-30'), $isRecurring = null);

Get (potential) CalendarEvent(s) of month

If the CalendarEvent is not exist then it is append is_not_exists attribute with true value

$calendarEvents = CalendarEvent::showPotentialCalendarEventsOfMonth(Carbon::parse('2017-08'));

Generate next CalendarEvent(s) from Console

Do NOT forget the Laravel Task Scheduling

  • The command run at hourly in schedule
* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
# OR manually 
php artisan generate:calendar-event


Do NOT forget the validation

  • start_datetime
  • end_datetime

How to upgrade Carbon

$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/app -w /app epcallan/php7-testing-phpunit:7.2-phpunit7 bash
$ composer install
$ ./vendor/bin/upgrade-carbon

How to Testing

$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/app -w /app epcallan/php7-testing-phpunit:7.2-phpunit7 bash
$ composer install
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit


  • OCP
  • Name conventions, example: TemplateCalendarEvent::events() to TemplateCalendarEvent::calendarEvents()
  • Custom validation rule to date/time diff

Special thanks