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Schedule bundle

0.4.4 2018-10-15 09:45 UTC


This library is provided to abstract transport layer of notification process.


Transport layer

The main abstraction of the transport layer is \SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\NotificationManagerInterface with only method notify(NotificationInterface $notification). The idea is that we should create a notification object for some event and send it with notification manager. So, client code knows nothing about how notification will be send.

We've created an abstract implementation for this interface — \SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\AbstractNotificationManager. Internally it delegates job to formatter and driver objects.


Driver object implements \SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\DriverInterface and responsible for sending a message. Message is another object implements \SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\MessageInterface related to a specific driver. For example we have SwiftMailerDriver out of the box and it can send SwiftMailerMessage. But where do we get a message object?


There is formatter object which implements \SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\FormatterInterface. The only purpose of formatter is creating a message object from a notification object.


Say, we have to send an email to the client if he makes new order. Suppose you already have some observer pattern implementation and you have listener for new order event. First we should create new notification class for this event:


use SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\NotificationInterface;
use App\Model\Order;

class OrderCreatedNotification implements NotificationInterface
     * @var Order
    private $order;

    public function __construct(Order $order)
        $this->order = $order;

     * @return Order
    public function getOrder(): Order
        return $this->order;

It should contains all required information, in example above it receives an Order object and we suppose that Order contains Customer object with some kind of contact information: $order->getCustomer()->getEmail().

Then we have to create a formatter object:

namespace App\Notifications\Order;

use App\Model\Order;
use SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Driver\SwiftMailer\SwiftMailerMessage;
use SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\FormatterInterface;
use SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\MessageInterface;
use SymfonyBro\NotificationCore\Model\NotificationInterface;
use Swift_Message;

class OrderCreatedEmailFormatter implements FormatterInterface
     * @param NotificationInterface $notification
     * @return MessageInterface|OrderCreatedNotification
    public function format(NotificationInterface $notification): MessageInterface
        $customer = $notification->getOrder()->getCustomer();
        return new SwiftMailerMessage(
            (new Swift_Message('New order #'. $customer->getId()))
                ->setFrom(['' => 'ACME SHOP LTD.'])
                    $customer->getEmail() => $customer->getName(),
                ->setBody('you can render content using some templating engine')