
Simple Laravel blog package using markdown

v6.0.0 2024-03-21 16:16 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 20:42:27 UTC


Add a simple, flat-file markdown blog to your existing Laravel application.

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You can install the package via composer:

# Require it as a dependency
composer require swiftmade/blogdown

# Publish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Swiftmade\Blogdown\BlogdownProvider"

Go to config/blogdown.php to configure authors (example included in the file).

Post generator

Simply run this command to make a new article:

php artisan blog:new

Follow the instructions, and you'll have your first blog post ready in seconds.

Anatomy of a post

Each post consists of a meta section (mandatory) and the content. You can use Markdown to enrich your post's format.

To use markdown inside blade, simply invoke @markdown / @endmarkdown. Or, you can also add .md extension before .blade.php and skip the markdown calls.

title: Hello World!
tags: blog, first post
date: 18.03.2020
Use blade to compose post content.

**Or even use markdown** if you want.

### Isn't that great?

Draft vs Published

Let's say you're working on a long post and it's not production ready yet. Just do this:

... other attributes
draft: true

... Your awesome content ...

Since you added the draft meta attribute, this post will be hidden in production environments.

Meta Attributes are Dynamic

You can declare as many meta attributes as you want.

random_attribute: 51231

You can access your post's meta attributes like so:

$post->random_attribute; // 51231

Force Clear Cache

php artisan blog:index

Customizing Blogdown

You can change most things about Blogdown. To get started, publish the config:

php artisan vendor:publish  --provider "Swiftmade\Blogdown\BlogdownProvider"

Things you can customize

  • Override views to change how your blog looks
  • Add list of authors to quickly load author meta
  • Format and content of post slugs
  • Enable/disable default routes.
  • Change date format.
  • And probably more...

Format and content of post slugs

By default, this is how a post's slug is built:

public function slug()
    return Str::slug($this->view_name);

If needed, you can override the Post model and build a better slug:

public function slug()
    return Str::slug($this->date->format('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $this->title);

Don't forget to register your custom Post model in config/blogdown.php!

Pull Requests Are Welcome

If you want to see more features or report bugs feel free to open issues and send pull requests.
