
Laravel package, which allows inline editing of model specific content blocks.

v0.3.1 2021-02-17 16:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 02:22:17 UTC


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Simple inline editor toolbar, to update the content of any HTML block, or specific DB table.

This package is an updated version of dyusha/laravel-html-editor with some additional functionality and updated dependencies.


Download this git repo, or install it via composer:

composer require swatty007/laravel-inline-editor

Also make sure to get our npm dependencies:

npm install vue vue-resource medium-editor vue-sweetalert2 --save


Note, Optional in Laravel 5.5 or +

Add the following to your config file:

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Initial Setup

Run: php artisan vendor:publish

  • Include the following code snippet into your applications layout file, eg: "view/layouts/app.blade.php". This will render the required controls on your page.
{{-- Start Laravel Inline Editor Components --}}
{{-- End Laravel Inline Editor Components --}}`
  • Afterwards apply our default table with:

php artisan migrate

  • By default editing is allowed only for users who have laravel-inline-editor ability, so you should add it in your AuthServiceProvider

    // app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php
    use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate as GateContract;
    public function boot(GateContract $gate)
        $gate->define('laravel-inline-editor', function ($user) {
            // Add your logic here
            return true;
  • Include provided .scss and .js files on the page using your preferred build tools. For laravel mix:

// resources/assets/js/app.js
Vue.component('inlineManager', require('./components/laravel-inline-editor/manager'));
Vue.component('inlineContentBlock', require('./components/laravel-inline-editor/contentBlock.vue'));
// resources/assets/sass/app.scss
// Inline Editor
@import "./plugins/_medium-editor.scss";


You can publish the configuration files of the package, to tweak its behaviour or appearance:

php artisan vendor:publish

To change the default behaviour of the medium editor simply override the options setting in the config file:

// config/laravel-inline-editor.php
'options' => '{ \'anchor\': { \'targetCheckbox\': true }, \'toolbar\': { \'buttons\': [\'bold\', \'italic\', \'underline\'] } }',

By default js and sass assets will be published to /resources/assets/js/components and /resources/assets/sass/plugins directories respectively. To change this, just update the following paths in your config file:

// config/laravel-inline-editor.php
'paths' => [
    'js' => base_path('/resources/assets/js/components'),
    'sass' => base_path('/resources/assets/sass/plugins'),


This package provides custom Blade directives @inlineEditor and @endInlineEditor which can be used to wrap blocks of HTML that should be editable. For example if somewhere in your template you will have the following code:

Saves the containing HTML content in the laravel-inline-editor table under the key item01.

{{-- Simple Content Block --}}
@inlineEditor( 'item01' )
    <p>Lorem text for our text block</p>

Custom Table
To save the containing HTML in a custom table, just specify, the table name, source & target keys. If no source, or target keys are defined the defaults key and content will be used.

{{-- Custom Database Content Block --}}
{{-- $source_value, $table, $source_key, $target_key, $options --}}
@inlineEditor('example_item', 'example_objects', 'title', 'content' )
    {{ \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('example_objects')->where('title', 'example_item')->first() }}

Custom Options

You can override the default options for the medium editor by overriding the default options:

{{-- Shows the usage of the options property --}}
@inlineEditor( 'item01', null, null, null, "{ 'anchor': { 'targetCheckbox': true }, 'toolbar': { 'buttons': ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'] } }" )
    <p>Lorem text for our text block</p>

For details check the medium js documentation: https://github.com/yabwe/medium-editor#mediumeditor-options

Note Look at the configuration settings to override the default options


  1. Source Value - DB row, where we are looking for our source key.
  2. Table - will override at which table we are looking for the above defined value.
  3. Source Key - allow overwriting the DB row at which we are looking for our source value.
  4. Target Key - allow overwriting the DB row at which will be updated.
  5. Editor Options - allows you to specify additional options for the medium editor.
  6. Validation Rules - Allows you to define a set of custom validation rules.
  7. Strip HTML - Strips all HTML elements from the given input string, before saving it into the DB.

The first time it's being rendered directive will try to find the content of your element by its defined key in the default database, if not specified otherwise. If it is present then its content will be rendered on the page.

Otherwise new HTML block will be created with the given parameters. You can put any HTML markup between @inlineEditor and @endInlineEditor directives.


When you press Accept changes button <html-manager> component will send POST request to /inline-content-block with blocks param that will contain all changed HTML blocks.


This library is licensed under the MIT license. Please see LICENSE for more details.