
PHP validation library

dev-master 2017-03-22 09:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-14 17:59:45 UTC


PHP Validation Library

Build Status

Simple and lightweight standalone PHP library for validating data.



use SGP\Validation\Validator;

$input = [
    'name' => 'Svilen Popov',
    'comment' => 'This a comment',
    'users' => [
            'age' => 20,
            'username' => 'username1'
            'age' => 16,
            'username' => 'username2'

$rules = [
    'name' => 'required',
    'comment' => 'required|min:20',
    'users.*.age' => 'required|min:18'

$messages = [
    'comment.min' => 'Your comment should have at least 20 chars.'

$validator = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages);

$errors = $validator->errors()->all();

foreach ($errors as $error) {
    echo $error . PHP_EOL;

and the above example will output:

Your comment should have at least 20 chars.
The users.1.age minimum is 18

Available rules

Alpha Integer
Alpha-Numeric Max
Boolean Min
Date after Numeric
Date before Required
- alpha

Checks if the value contains only alphabetic characters.

'field' => 'alpha'
- alpha_num

Checks if the valuecontains only alpha-numeric characters.

'field' => 'alpha_num'
- boolean

Checks if the value is able to be cast as a boolean. Accepted input are true, false, 1, 0, "1", and "0".

'field' => 'boolean'
- date_after:param

Checks if the value is a valid date and is after a given date.

'field' => 'date_after:2017-01-01'
- date_before:param

Checks if the value is a valid date and is before a given date.

'field' => 'date_before:2017-01-01'
- date

Checks if the value is a date/time string in the input format.

'field' => 'date'
- max:int

Checks if the value is an integer.

'field' => 'int'
- max:param

Checks if the value is less than given size. The rule works for strings, numerics and arrays.

'field' => 'max:20'
- min:param

Checks if the value is greater than given size. The rule works for strings, numerics and arrays.

'field' => 'max:20'
- max:numeric

Checks if the value is numeric.

'field' => 'numeric'
- required

Checks if the value is not empty or null.

'field' => 'required'