
Port of John Resig's micro templating approach to PHP for server-side pre-compilation of simple JavaScript templates

0.0.3 2016-08-21 07:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-26 21:17:20 UTC


Build Status

A small port of John Resig's JavaScript micro templating approach to PHP for server-side pre-compilation of simple JavaScript templates.


I've used John Resig's approach a lot in the passed. It's small, easy to use and comes with zero dependencies. I like it!

However, this method has one simple drawback:

If your application has set the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header for script-src to e.g. self, you will run into problems.

Google Chrome rejects the execution of the templating function with the following error message:

Uncaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'"


  1. Allow unsafe-eval as script-src within the Content-Security-Policy header
  2. Implement a workaround that pre-compiles templates to executable JavaScript functions

The first is not an option because it forces us to lower the security barriers.

I've opted for the second approach. Because most of my projects are PHP applications, I've decided to port John Resig's template conversion to PHP.


Installation is recommended to be done via composer by running:

composer require svengerlach/php-vanillajs-template


This library can be used either as a standalone component or as a twig extension.


See examples/standalone.php.


$compiler = new \Svengerlach\VanillaJSTemplate\Compiler();

$template = '<h1>Hello, <%= foo %>!</h1>';
$templateCompiled = $compiler->compile($template);
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- will contain "Hello, World!" -->
        <div id="template_container">loading...</div>
        var templateFunction = <?= $templateCompiled; ?>;
        document.getElementById('template_container').innerHTML = templateFunction({ foo: 'World' });

Twig extension

See examples/twigextension.html.twig.


require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// insantiate twig loader
$loader = new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem([__DIR__]);

// instantiate twig
$twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader);

// instantiate compiler
$compiler = new \Svengerlach\VanillaJSTemplate\Compiler();

// instantiate twig extension
$extension = new \Svengerlach\VanillaJSTemplate\TwigExtension($compiler);

// add extension to twig

// see twig template below
echo $twig->render('twigextension.html.twig');

See examples/twigextension.html.twig.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- will contain "Hello, foo!" -->
        <div id="template_container_1">loading...</div>
        <!-- will contain "Hi, bar!" -->
        <div id="template_container_2">loading...</div>
            var templateFunction = {{ vanillajstemplate('<h1><% if ( hello === true ) { %>Hello, <% } else { %>Hi, <% } %><%= who %>!</h1>') }};

            "use strict";
            document.getElementById('template_container_1').innerHTML = templateFunction({ 
                hello: true, 
                who: 'foo' 
            document.getElementById('template_container_2').innerHTML = templateFunction({ 
                hello: false, 
                who: 'bar' 

Room for improvement

One downside of the pre-compiled templates is that they are not compatible with JavaScript strict mode ("use strict";). The used with statement is nowadays considered bad practice.