
SOAP Based API client for TCI Express/ECOM

dev-main 2021-03-24 11:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-24 17:34:57 UTC



  • PHP 7.2 or greater
  • php-soap
  • php-json
  • php-dom


You can install the package via composer:

composer require surajitbasak109/tciexp-api

You can publish config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="surajitbasak109\tciexp\TciExpServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


return [
    | Default TciExpApi Credentilas
    | Here you can set the default TciExpApi credentilas. However, you can pass the credentials while connecting to TciExpApi client

    'dev_wsdl' => env('TCI_EXPRESS_DEV_URL', ''),
    'prod_wsdl' => env('TCI_EXPRESS_PROD_URL', ''),

    'credentials' => [
        'username' => env('TCI_EXPRESS_USERNAME', 'username'),
        'password' => env('TCI_EXPRESS_PASSWORD', 'secret')

Add this class path below the service provider of the config/app.php file:

'providers' => [

API Integration Process

Create Token

From below example you can generate a token to create new consignment. You can shorten this code by creating a helper function in your Laravel project.

if (session('tci_token')) {
    $token = session('tci_token');
} else {
    $token = TciExp::getToken(); // Use API to generate token
    session('tci_token', $token);

Create Consignment (TCI-Ecom)

Here is the sample code to create consignment:

$consignment = new stdClass();
$consignment->barcodes = [
    "Barcodes" => ["barcode" => 2378529716],
    "Barcodes" => ["barcode" => 2378529731],
$consignment->CustomerOrderNumber = "211115";
$consignment->OrderReferenceNumber = "211115";
$consignment->BranchCode = "";
$consignment->CustomerCode = "";
$consignment->AWBNumber = "5006600060";
$consignment->AWBDate = "03-11-2017 16:02:54";
$consignment->PlantCode = "A001";
$consignment->PaymentMode = "COD";
$consignment->TotalAmount = 1000;
$consignment->PayableAmount = 1000;
$consignment->Invoices = [
    "InvoiceDetail" => [
        "invoiceDate" => "14-07-2017 12:00:00",
        "invoiceNo" => "5",
        "invoiceValue" => 1000.00,
        "numberOfBoxes" => 3,
        "remarks" => "This is a test consignment"
$consignment->Volumes = [
    "VolumeDetail" => [
        "breadth" => 8,
        "height" => 1,
        "length" => 2,
        "numberOfBoxes" => 1,
        "volume" => 6
    "VolumeDetail" => [
        "breadth" => 34,
        "height" => 65,
        "length" => 45,
        "numberOfBoxes" => 2,
        "volume" => 60
$consignment->CustomerFirstName = "MR K. Ramchandran";
$consignment->CustomerLastName = "";
$consignment->CustomerAddress1 = "House No 435, Sec - 15 , Noida";
$consignment->CustomerAddress2 = "";
$consignment->CustomerCity = "DELHI";
$consignment->CustomerState = "DELHI";
$consignment->CustomerCountry = "IN";
$consignment->CustomerPinCode = "110022";
$consignment->CustomerPhoneNumber = "5005734764";
$consignment->CustomerMobileNumber = "5005734764";
$consignment->CustomerMaskMobileNumber = "7583921266";
$consignment->CustomerEmail = "";
$consignment->ShipperCode = "0000W8";
$consignment->ShipperName = "Web World";
$consignment->ShipperAddress1 = "Rajokri Village. New Delhi   110038";
$consignment->ShipperAddress2 = "";
$consignment->ShipperCity = "NEW DELHI";
$consignment->ShipperState = "DELHI";
$consignment->ShipperCountry = "IN";
$consignment->ShipperPinCode = "110038";
$consignment->ShipperPhoneNo = "9873516148";
$consignment->ShipperMobileNo = "9873516148";
$consignment->ShipperEmail = "";
$consignment->ReturnToName = "Web World";
$consignment->ReturnToAddress1 = "Rajokri Village. New Delhi   110038";
$consignment->ReturnToAddress2 = "";
$consignment->ReturnToCity = "NEW DELHI";
$consignment->ReturnToState = "DELHI";
$consignment->ReturnToCountry = "IN";
$consignment->ReturnToPinCode = "110038";
$consignment->ReturnToPhoneNo = "9543516148";
$consignment->ReturnToMobileNo = "9543516148";
$consignment->ReturnToEmail = "";
$consignment->TotalPices = 3;
$consignment->ProductWeight = 35;
$consignment->VolumetricWeight = "36";
$consignment->VolumetricWeight = "36";
$consignment->ProductCategory = "Fashion";
$consignment->ProductCode = "265478957";
$consignment->ProductDescription = "Product Description goes here";
$consignment->TransportMode = "SURFACE";
$consignment->B2BFlag = "N";

$consignmentData = ['consignment' => $consignment];

$response = TciExp::consignment($token)->createConsignmentEcom($consignmentData);

It will return an object as a response if consignment is successful:

	"AWBNumber": "246149120",
	"error": "SUCCESS",
	"errorMessage": "Consignment Created Successfully."

Tracking Information

This service enable you to fetch booking, in-transit and delivery/RTO information based on consignment number.

$consignmentNo = "246149120";
$response = TciExp::consignment()->getConsignmentResponseMessage($consignmentNo);

Shipping Cost Calculation

Parameter Details

Parameter Name Data Type Length Allowed Description
pFromPinCode String 6 0-9 (Numeric Only) Pickup Location Pincode from where material to be shipped.
pToPinCode String 6 0-9 (Numeric only) Destination location Pincode where material to be delivered.
pServiceMode String SURFACE / AiR Mode of transportation
pProductWeight Decimal 0-9 (Numeric only) Weight of the product.
pVolumetricWeight Decimal 0-9 (Numeric only) Volumetric weight of the product. Cost will be applicable on whichever is higher.
pProductInvoiceAmount Decimal 0-9 (Numeric only) Invoice value of product.
pCodFlag String Y / N Whether Cash on delivery applicable or not.
pCodAmt Decimal 0-9 (Numeric only) COD amount in case COD consignment.

This method can be used to estimate shipping cost between two different locations (Pin codes) and weight carried.

$response = TciExp::service()->getShippingCostForProductAndServiceMode(

Transit Time calculation

This method can be used to estimate transit time based on two different locations.

Parameter Name Data Type Length Allowed Description
From Pin code String 6 0-9 (Numeric Only) Pickup location pincode from where material to be shipped.
To Pin code String 6 0-9 (Numeric Only) Destination location pincode where material to be delivered.
Service Mode String SURFACE / AIR Mode of transportation.
pPickupDate String Material pickup date. If it's blank value, System treat this value as current date.
pPickupTime String Material pickup Time. If it’s blank value, System treat this value as current time. If timing is after 5:00PM, 1 extra working day will be added in to transit time.
 $response = TciExp::service()->getDomesticTransitTimeForPinCodeAndServiceMode(

Check Service Availability by Pin code

With this service call you can check if TCI Express gives service on this region or not:

$response = TciExp::service()->getPincodeServiceableStatus("734006");


    "Value": "734006",
    "Status": "SERVICEABLE",
    "Type": "",
    "DestinationCode": "XSLG",
    "DestinationCity": "SILIGURI",
    "DestinationGSTIN": "19AADCT0663J1Z5"