supershipvn / supership-sdk-php
SuperShip SDK for PHP - Use SuperShip in your PHP project
- php: >=5.4
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
Using the SuperShip SDK for PHP, developers can easily integrate SuperShip APIs into their PHP codebase, enabling businesses to automate and scale their shipping operations.
Some of the SuperShip APIs available include:
- Areas API: This API allows developers to retrieve a list of provinces, districts, and communes supported by SuperShip for the pickup, delivery, and return of goods.
- Auth API: This API allows developers to register a new user and retrieve a token via username and password.
- Orders API: This API allows developers to retrieve shipping rates, create a new order, retrieve order information, obtain order status lists, and generate shipping labels.
- Warehouses API: This API allows developers to create a new warehouse, edit the current warehouse, and retrieve information on all warehouses.
- Webhooks API: This API allows developers to register a new webhook, edit the current webhook, and retrieve registered webhooks.
Please check SuperShip API Documentation for more details.
API Documentation
Documentation for SuperShip APIs can be found on the API Documentation Website.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require supershipvn/supership-sdk-php
Orders API
Create Order
To create a new order, call the createOrder
method using the following syntax:
use SuperShip\SuperShipClient; $supership = new SuperShipClient('YOUR_API_TOKEN'); $params = [ 'pickup_phone' => '0989999999', 'pickup_address' => '45 Nguyễn Chí Thanh', 'pickup_commune' => 'Phường Ngọc Khánh', 'pickup_district' => 'Quận Ba Đình', 'pickup_province' => 'Thành phố Hà Nội', 'name' => 'Trương Thế Ngọc', 'phone' => '0945900350', 'email' => null, 'address' => '35 Trương Định', 'province' => 'Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh', 'district' => 'Quận 3', 'commune' => 'Phường 6', 'amount' => '220000', 'value' => null, 'weight' => '200', 'payer' => '1', 'service' => '1', 'config' => '1', 'soc' => 'KAN7453535', 'note' => 'Giao giờ hành chính', 'product_type' => '2', 'products' => [ [ 'sku' => 'P899234', 'name' => 'Tên Sản Phẩm 1', 'price' => 200000, 'weight' => 200, 'quantity' => 1, ], [ 'sku' => 'P899789', 'name' => 'Tên Sản Phẩm 2', 'price' => 250000, 'weight' => 300, 'quantity' => 2, ], ] ]; $supership->createOrder($params);
Optionally, you can retrieve the Order Code using the following method:
$order = $supership->createOrder($params); echo $order['results']['code'];
Get Single Order Info
To retrieve single order, call the getOrderInfo
method using the following syntax:
$supershipOrderCode = 'SUPERSHIP_ORDER_CODE'; $supership->getOrderInfo($supershipOrderCode);
Get All Order Statuses
To retrieve all order statuses, call the getOrderStatuses
method using the following syntax:
Create Print Token
To obtain a new token for label printing, call the createPrintToken
method using the following syntax:
$params = [ 'code' => [ 'SUPERSHIP_ORDER_CODE_1', 'SUPERSHIP_ORDER_CODE_2' ] ]; $supership->createPrintToken($params);
Get Print Link
To get a print link for print token, call the getOrderInfo
method using the following syntax:
$printToken = '49ef6620-423e-11e9-b019-b71407a43f47'; $labelSize = 'K46'; $supership->getPrintLink($printToken, $labelSize);
Warehouses API
Get All Warehouses
To retrieve all warehouses, call the getWarehouses
method using the following syntax:
Create Warehouse
To create a new warehouse, call the createWarehouse
method using the following syntax:
$params = [ 'name' => 'Kho HBT', 'phone' => '0989999888', 'contact' => 'Trần Cao Cường', 'address' => '47 Lê Lợi', 'province' => 'Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh', 'district' => 'Quận Tân Bình', 'district' => 'Phường 13', 'primary' => '1' ]; $supership->createWarehouse($params);
Update Warehouse
To edit the current warehouse, call the editWarehouse
method using the following syntax:
$params = [ 'code' => 'WLKGT07050', 'name' => 'Kho Hai Bà Trưng', 'phone' => '0989999888', 'contact' => 'Dương Mạnh Quân' ]; $supership->editWarehouse($params);
Webhooks API
Get All Webhooks
To retrieve all webhooks, call the getWebhooks
method using the following syntax:
Register Webhook
To register a new webhook, call the registerWebhook
method using the following syntax:
$partnerUrl = ''; $supership->registerWebhook($partnerUrl);
Auth API
Create User
To create a new user, call the createUser
method using the following syntax:
$params = [ 'project' => 'HMN Store', 'name' => 'Hoàng Mạnh Nam', 'phone' => '0989998888', 'email' => '', 'password' => '323423', 'partner' => 'lPxLuxfiTotCyZ1ZnQjMepUL24HLd05ybNBhVGFN' ]; $supership->createUser($params);
Retrieve Token
To retrieve a token via username and password, call the retrieveToken
method using the following syntax:
$params = [ 'client_id' => 'AZN6QUo40w', 'client_secret' => 'C4fFVeFPkISEDQ8acNo9oSHUd8yIGuvoLWJdX9zY', 'username' => '', 'password' => '323423', 'partner' => 'lPxLuxfiTotCyZ1ZnQjMepUL24HLd05ybNBhVGFN' ]; $supership->retrieveToken($params);
Areas API
Get All Provinces
To retrieve all provinces, call the getProvinces
method using the following syntax:
Get All Districts
To retrieve all districts, call the getDistricts
method using the following syntax:
$provinceCode = '79'; $supership->getDistricts($provinceCode);
Get All Communes
To retrieve all communes, call the getCommunes
method using the following syntax:
$districtCode = '777'; $supership->getCommunes($districtCode);
Please see CHANGELOG for more information about recent changes.
Thank you for considering contributing to SuperShip SDK for PHP! The contribution guide can be found in our contributing guidelines.
If you've found a bug regarding security please mail instead of using the issue tracker.
SuperShip SDK for PHP is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.