
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Social Media bundle for use with the KunstmaanBundles CMS

0.8.4 2021-12-08 10:21 UTC


The KunstmaanSocialMediaBundle makes working with social media feeds and the KunstmaanBundles CMS easier.

Currently supports Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and Vimeo , will support Facebook and YouTube.


Step 1: Install the Bundle

composer require superrb/kunstmaan-social-media

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Enable the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php for your project

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new Superrb\KunstmaanSocialMediaBundle\SuperrbKunstmaanSocialMediaBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Step 3: Add the routes

Add the following to your app/config/routes.yml

    resource: "@SuperrbKunstmaanSocialMediaBundle/Controller/SocialAdminListController.php"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /{_locale}/admin/social/

Remember to remove the /{_locale}/ from the admin list route if you are using single language.

Step 4: Generate Database Tables

You can use Doctrine Migrations or a schema update, it is your choice

bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate


bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Step 5: Add required config

Turn on the timestampable Doctrine extension in app/config/config.yml

            timestampable: true

Step 6: Add required parameters

Add these parameters to you app/config/parameters.yml and app/config/parameters.yml.dist if you use it.

Set them to true or false to turn on or off each feed.

    sb_social_media.instagram:  true
    sb_social_media.twitter:    true
    sb_social_media.tumblr:     true
    sb_social_media.vimeo:      true

Step 7: Create User Roles

Add the required User Roles to the system with the following command. You can then assign them to your user groups to give access.

bin/console kuma:socialMedia:checkRoles


Generating an Instagram Access Token

  • Navigate to the Social Media module admin page.
  • Click on the Instagram Settings in the top right corner.
  • Enter your Instagram App client ID and client secret.
  • Enter a hashtag to use to pull media for if required. Leave blank to pull your own feed.
  • Click 'Log in to Instagram'
  • Authorise the App with Instagram.
  • You will be returned to the Settings page and it should say that you are now logged in to Instagram.

Setting Up Access To Tumblr Posts

  • Navigate to the Social Media module admin page.
  • Click on the Tumblr Settings in the top right corner.
  • Enter your Tumblr App Consumer Key.
  • Choose whether to pull tweets from a given user or search for tweets using a hashtag.
  • Enter the Tumblr URL or hashtag that you want to search for. - The Tumblr URL should contain '' unless it is a custom URL
  • Click 'Log in to Tumblr'
  • You should now see that you are logged into Tumblr.

Generating a Twitter Access Token

  • Navigate to the Social Media module admin page.
  • Click on the Twitter Settings in the top right corner.
  • Enter your Twitter App Consumer ID and Consumer Secret.
  • Choose whether to pull tweets from a given user or search for tweets using a hashtag.
  • Enter the username or hashtag that you want to search for.
  • Click 'Log in to Twitter'
  • You should now see that you are logged into Twitter.

Generating a Vimeo Access Token

  • Navigate to the Social Media module admin page.
  • Click on the Vimeo Settings in the top right corner.
  • Enter your Vimeo App Consumer ID and Consumer Secret.
  • Choose whether to pull videos from a given user or search for videos using a hashtag.
  • Enter the user ID or hashtag that you want to search for.
  • Click 'Log in to Vimeo'
  • You should now see that you are logged into Vimeo.

Updating Your Social Feed from the CLI

This allows you to update your social feed and pull in the latest posts ready for moderation from the project Admin List. You could set up a cron to run this.

bin/console kuma:socialMedia:update

Outputting Feed Items on the front end

You can output a list of your authorised feed items on the front end simply be rendering a controller action. This could also be added to a page part template to allow more control.

{{ render_esi(controller('SuperrbKunstmaanSocialMediaBundle:SocialMedia:feed', { 'limit' : 12, 'template' : 'SuperrbKunstmaanSocialMediaBundle:SocialMedia:feed.html.twig' } )) }}

Issues and Troubleshooting

All issues: