
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the supaapps/supaapps-laravel-api-kit package instead.

Boilerplate & Helpers for Supaapps Laravel projects

v0.2.1 2024-01-26 11:50 UTC


Boilerplate and helpers for Supaapps Laravel projects

Table of content


composer require supaapps/supaapps-laravel-api-kit


Generate CRUD controller

To create crud controller, run the following command:

php artisan make:crud-controller


To get advantage of CRUD boilerplate controller, extend BaseCrudController in your controller. Example:

use Supaapps\LaravelApiKit\Controllers\BaseCrudController;

class ExampleController extends BaseCrudController
    public string $model = \App\Models\Example::class; // replace with your model

Available CRUD properties

There are multiple properties you can use within your CRUD controller:

  • The model for CRUD operations. (required)
public string $model = \App\Models\Example::class; // replace with your model

Properties used by CrudIndexTrait

  • Paginate the response from index response or not.
public bool $shouldPaginate = false;

  • Perform searches on single column using the search parameter from the request. If you want to search multiple columns use $searchSimilarFields, see next property.
public ?string $searchField = null; // replace with desired column

All of the upcoming properties should be array. If you want to add some logic head to CRUD controller override

  • Perform a lookup for similar results in the specified columns using the LIKE operator with the search parameter from the request.
public array $searchSimilarFields = [];

In following example, it lockups for %supa% in either name or description

// user hit endpoint > /example?search=supa

public array $searchSimilarFields = [

  • Perform a lookup for exact results in the specified columns using the = operator with the search parameter from the request.
public array $searchExactFields = [];

In following example, it lockups for 1 in id, price or category_id

// user hit endpoint > /example?search=1

public array $searchExactFields = [

  • Perform a lookup for results in the specified columns wrapping the search parameter from the request with DATE() mysql function.
public array $searchDateFields = [];

In following example, it lockups for 2023-09-26 in completed_at, created_at or updated_at

// user hit endpoint > /example?search=2023-09-26

public array $searchDateFields = [

  • Filter columns by exact given values. Ensure that the columns entered are in plural form.
public array $filters = [];

In the following example, it will apply the query WHERE id IN (1, 2) AND code IN ('ABC')

// user hit endpoint > /example?ids[]=1&ids[]=2&codes[]=ABC

public array $filters = [

  • Filter date columns by min and max values
public array $dateFilters = [];

In the following example, it will search the records that have created_at larger than create_at_min and less than created_at_max and updated_at larger than updated_at_min

// user hit endpoint > /example?created_at_min=2023-09-01&created_at_max=2023-09-30&updated_at_min=2023-09-15

public array $dateFilters = [

  • Filter columns that are NULL or NOT NULL
public ?array $isEmptyFilters = [];

In the following example, user wants to get the completed and not cancelled rewards. These rewards have completed_at IS NOT NULL and cancelled_at IS NULL

// user hit endpoint > /example?is_empty[completed_at]=false&is_empty[cancelled_at]=true

public ?array $isEmptyFilters = [

  • Define default order by column
public ?array $defaultOrderByColumns = null;

In the following example, there are 2 order by rules are defined in the controller. The results will be ordered by created_at descending and by id ascending.

public ?array $defaultOrderByColumns = [

But if the request has sort query parameter, then it will override the defaultOrderByColumns. Example:


This will sort the results first by id descending then by name ascending

Properties used by UpdateIndexTrait

  • Disable updates on the model.
public bool $readOnly = false;

Properties used by DeleteIndexTrait

  • Enable deletion for the model.
public bool $isDeletable = false;

CRUD Controller Override

If you want to add more logic to properties, you can override properties in your controller using getters. For example: you want to return different $searchExactFields depending on a condition:

private function getSearchExactFields(): array
    if (request('user_type') == 'admin') {
        return [

    return [

Override methods in CrudIndexTrait

  • Override $searchSimilarFields
private function getSearchSimilarFields(): array;
  • Override $searchExactFields
private function getSearchExactFields(): array;
  • Override $searchDateFields
private function getSearchDateFields(): array;
  • Override $filters
private function getFilters(): array;
  • Override $dateFilters
private function getDateFilters(): array;
  • Override $isEmptyFilters
private function getIsEmptyFilters(): array;
  • Get allowed list that can be ordered by
// by default, it merges the values from:
//    $this->getSearchSimilarFields(),
//    $this->getSearchExactFields(),
//    $this->getSearchDateFields()
private function getOrderByColumns(): array;
  • Override $defaultOrderByColumns
private function getDefaultOrderByColumns(): ?array;

User signature

You can keep track of created and updated user of your model in 3 steps:

  1. Include required columns to your model schema
Schema::table('articles', function (Blueprint $table) {

Where auditIds accepts 2 parameters

  • table: the related table name, default: users
  • column: the related column name on related table, default id
  1. Include custom columns to your model $fillable property
protected $fillable = [
  1. Add observer to your model
// in src/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php add the following line

protected $observers = [
    \App\Models\Article::class => [ // replace Article with your model


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