
SSO Provider plugin for Winter CMS

dev-main 2021-07-15 12:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-15 18:54:04 UTC


SSO Provider

This plugin allows your website to act as an SSO Provider:

  • It will issue keys to the SSO Clients websites to access your userbase.
  • It will allow your users to login on the SSO Clients websites without creating an account.

Note: This plugin is intended to be used along with this SSO Client

Composer installation

composer require sunlab/wn-ssoprovider-plugin


This plugin provides two components:

  • SSOLoginPopup: Displays the SSO authorization issuer and login form if the user is not yet logged-in
  • SSOAuthorizedClients: Displays to the user the clients that granted the authorization and allow him to revoke an authorization