
Quick Wordpress Development Module.

4.0.5 2020-07-08 22:28 UTC


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Quick Wordpress Development Module which helps you to make new admin pages, custom post types, and taxonomies.


Include autoload.php, and you are ready.

include_once( $your_path_to . '/wp_express/autoload.php' );


use Sujin\Wordpress\WP_Express\Admin;
use Sujin\Wordpress\WP_Express\Settings_Section;
use Sujin\Wordpress\WP_Express\Fields\Settings\Input;

// Create a new admin page in the root of admin menu
$admin_page_root = Admin::get_instance( 'Admin Root');
// Change position by position id
$admin_page_root->position( 200 );

// Create another admin page under $test_admin_page_1
$admin_page_child = Admin::get_instance( 'Admin Child' )
	->position( $root );
// Change position under Settings
$admin_page_child->position( 'settings' );
// Change position under other menu
$admin_page_child->position( 'Plugin Name' );
// Add a link in the Plugins list
$admin_page_child->plugin( 'Akismet' );
// Set menu icon (use WP Dashicons)
$admin_page_child->icon( 'dashicons-buddicons-activity' );

// Create a new setttings section (default location is settings page)
$settings_section = Settings_Section::get_instance( 'Settings Section' );
// Append the settings section into the admin page
$admin_page_child->append( $settings_section );

// Create a new settting field `headline`
$headline = Input::get_instance( 'Headline' );
// Append the input into the settings section
$settings_section->append( $headline );
// Change the input type to date
$headline->type( 'date' );
// Change the input to the multiple value
$headline->single( false );

// Settngs could be the chaining assignment
	->show_in_rest( true )
	->single( true )
	->append_to( $settings_section );

This is the example of creating a new admin page and set the setting block and its text input. You can create a new post type, taxonomy, and its fields.

Admin Items

Form Fields

