
This package makes it easy to handle files on Amazon S3 for multiple systems. You can upload, copy between buckets, check if a file exists, and download files – all by just providing bucket details and file names. Simple file management for smooth data handling.

v1.0.0 2024-02-22 12:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 09:31:55 UTC



This Laravel package simplifies file management on Amazon S3 for your application. It provides functionality for uploading, copying between buckets, checking file existence, and downloading files effortlessly.


Install the package using Composer:

composer require sudocoder/s3fileuploader


Set the following environment variables in your Laravel project's .env file:

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= //Your AWS Access Key ID.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=  //Your AWS Secret Access Key.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION= //The AWS region, e.g., us-east-1.
AWS_UPLOAD_BUCKET= //Target bucket for file uploads.
AWS_DESTINATION_BUCKET= //Destination bucket for file copying.
AWS_SOURCE_BUCKET= //Source bucket for file operations.
AWS_SOURCE_FOLDER= //Source folder for operations involving folders.
AWS_DESTINATION_FOLDER= //Destination folder for copying files.
AWS_UPLOAD_FILE_FOLDER= //Folder for uploading files.
APP_UPLOAD_IMAGE_FOLDER= //Folder for application-specific file uploads.
AWS_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT=  //Set to true if using a path-style S3 endpoint, otherwise false.


Upload File

To upload a file to S3, use the following:

use SudoCoder\S3\S3FileUploader;

// Specify the file path and destination bucket

Copy File Between Buckets

To copy a file from one bucket to another:

use SudoCoder\S3\S3FileUploader;

// Specify the file name and source/destination buckets and folder if any in env file

Check File Existence

To check if a file exists on S3:

use SudoCoder\S3\S3FileUploader;

// Specify the file name and the bucket
if (S3FileUploader::fileExists('file.txt', 'AWS_SOURCE_BUCKET', 'AWS_SOURCE_BUCKET_FOLDER')) {
    // File exists
} else {
    // File does not exist
Download File

To download a file from S3:

use SudoCoder\S3\S3FileUploader;

// Specify the file name and the bucket
S3FileUploader::download('file.txt', 'AWS_SOURCE_BUCKET', 'AWS_SOURCE_BUCKET_FOLDER');


Feel free to contribute to this package by creating issues or submitting pull requests.


This package is open-source and available under the MIT License.