
Laravel package for Role Management

1.2.0 2024-03-29 20:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 20:55:57 UTC


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role-creator is a role management package of Laravel that provides options to manage role for auth users.

Note: This package is wrapper of spatie/laravel-permission package.


Via Composer

composer require sudippalash/role-creator

Publish config, migrations & seeders files

You should publish

migrations files:

  1. database/migrations/create_permission_tables.php
  2. database/migrations/add_module_column_to_permissions_table.php,

config files:

  1. config/permission.php,
  2. config/role-creator.php

and seeders file:

  1. database/seeders/PermissionSeeder.php


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sudip\RoleCreator\Providers\AppServiceProvider" --tag=required

For config/permission.php file you should check spatie/laravel-permission package documentation.

This is the contents of the published config file config/role-creator.php:

    return [
        | Extends Layout Name
        | Your main layout file path name. Example:

        'layout_name' => '',
        | Section Name
        | Your section name which in yield in main layout file. Example: content

        'section_name' => 'content',

        | Route Name, Prefix & Middleware
        | Provide a route name for role route. Example: user.roles
        | Provide a prefix name for role url. Example: user/roles
        | If role route use any middleware then provide it or leave empty array. Example: ['auth'] 

        'route_name' => 'user.roles',
        'route_prefix' => 'user/roles',
        'middleware' => [],
        | Role & Permission Name Pretty Print 
        | You can set the delimiter to separate your role/permission name for pretty preview
        | Example: array('-', '_', '=', '|', '/')

        'role_permission_name_separator' => ['-', '_'],

        | Auth Guard Name
        | Which authentication guard you use for role. Example: web or admin

        'auth_guard_name' => 'web',

        | Role Prevent
        | Those role names hide from list and prevent from edit & delete. Example ['Super Admin']

        'hide_role_names' => [],

        | Bootstrap version
        | Which bootstrap you use in your application. Example: 3 or 4 or 5

        'bootstrap_v' => 4,

        | Flash Messages
        | After Save/Update flash message session key name

        'flash_success' => 'success',
        'flash_error' => 'error',

        | CSS
        | Add your css class in this property if you want to change design. 

        'css' => [
            'container' => null,
            'card' => null,
            'input' => null,
            'btn' => null,
            'table' => null,
            'table_action_col_width' => null,
            'table_action_btn' => null,

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sudip\RoleCreator\Providers\AppServiceProvider" --tag=views

Optionally, you can publish the lang using

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sudip\RoleCreator\Providers\AppServiceProvider" --tag=lang

You should run the migrations with:

php artisan migrate

In database/seeders/PermissionSeeder.php seed file you should set your permission data and then you should run the seed with:

php artisan db:seed --class=PermissionSeeder


You should copy the below line and paste in your project menu section

<a href="{{ route(config('role-creator.route_name') . '.index') }}">{{ trans('role-creator::sp_role_creator.roles') }}</a>

If want to use this for multiple guard then you can use RoleCreator trait. (optional)

use Sudip\RoleCreator\Traits\RoleCrud;

class YourController extends Controller
    use RoleCrud;
    protected $guardName, $routeName;

    public function __construct()
        $this->guardName = '{your new guard_name}';
        $this->routeName = '{your resource route name}';