sudippalash / mediauploader
Laravel package for Media Uploader
- php: ^7.3|^8.0
- intervention/image: ^2.5
- laravel/framework: ^7.0|^8.0|^9.0|^10.0|^11.0
is a simple file-handling package for Laravel
that provides various options for managing files, including image uploads, file uploads, WebP uploads, base64 image uploads, image uploads from URLs, and Google image content uploads. The package currently supports public
, local
, and s3
storage (note: only publicly accessible S3
buckets are supported).
It also includes file and image preview functionality.
Via Composer
composer require sudippalash/mediauploader
Publish config file
You should publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sudip\MediaUploader\Providers\AppServiceProvider" --tag=config
In config/mediauploader.php
config file you should set mediauploader
global path.
return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Base Directory |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | base_dir stores all other directory inside storage folder of your laravel application by default | if you specify any name. all storage will be done inside that directory or name that you specified | */ 'base_dir' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Thumb Directory |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | thumb_dir creates another folder inside the directory as a "thumb" by default | you can change the name thumb to any other name you like. */ 'thumb_dir' => 'thumb', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Timestamp Prefix |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | If timestamp_prefix is true then create a file with a timestamp to ignore the same name image replacement. Example: image-1658562981.png. | If timestamp_prefix is false then the script checks file exists or not if the file exists then add the time() prefix for the new file otherwise leave it as the file | name. */ 'timestamp_prefix' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Thumb Image Height Width |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | specify the thumb image ratio of height and weight by default it takes 300px X 300px */ 'image_thumb_height' => 300, 'image_thumb_width' => 300, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Fake Image Url |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | fake_image_url , if you specify a fake image path or url here. the entire package will use | this image when there is no image found. or you can specify the fake image in the | function parameter as well. | Example: 'fake_image_url' => 'images/fake.png' or 'fake_image_url' => ', */ 'fake_image_url' => null, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Folder permission |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | path_permission , if you create a folder in your project then you can define your folder permission. | Example: null, 0755, 0777 */ 'path_permission' => 0777, ];
Before using this, you must complete the following steps (if you want to use the default filesystem disk, which is public):
- Change your env filesystem drive to this if you want to use public storage directory.
- Please make sure to link your storage before using this package
php artisan storage:link
- You can also specify the filesystem disk when using image or file functions (see the usage section for details).
Usage (File Upload)
- Image Upload
MediaUploader::imageUpload(<UploadedFile image>, <output path>, thumb=false, name=null, $imageResize = [], $thumbResize = [0, 0]);
$file = MediaUploader::imageUpload($request->file, 'images', 1, null, [600, 600]); if ($file) { // File is saved successfully }
- Webp Image Upload
MediaUploader::webpUpload(<UploadedFile image>, <output path>, thumb=false, name=null, $imageResize = [], $thumbResize = [0, 0]);
$file = MediaUploader::webpUpload($request->file, 'webps', 1, null, [600, 600]); if ($file) { // File is saved successfully }
- Any Upload (if you are not sure what type of file is, you can use this)
MediaUploader::anyUpload(<UploadedFile file>, <output path>, name=null);
$file = MediaUploader::anyUpload($request->file, 'files', 'filename'); if ($file) { // File is saved successfully }
- Image Upload from URL
MediaUploader::imageUploadFromUrl(<Valid Image URL>, <output path>, thumb=false, name=null, $imageResize = [], $thumbResize = [0, 0]);
$file = MediaUploader::imageUploadFromUrl($url, 'images', 1, null, [600, 600]); if ($file) { // File is saved successfully }
- Base64 image Upload
MediaUploader::base64ImageUpload(<base64 Content>, <output path>, thumb=false, name=null, $imageResize = [], $thumbResize = [0, 0]);
$file = MediaUploader::base64ImageUpload($content, 'images', 1, null, [600, 600]); if ($file) { // File is saved successfully }
- Content Upload
MediaUploader::contentUpload(<Content>, <output path>, name=null);
$file = MediaUploader::contentUpload($content, 'contents', 'name'); if ($file) { // File is saved successfully }
- Thumb (to create a thumb from an existing image, you can use this)
MediaUploader::thumb(<output path>, <file>, $thumbPath = false, $thumbWidth = 0, $thumbHeight = 0);
$file = MediaUploader::thumb('thumbs', $file, 200, 200); if ($file) { // File is saved successfully }
Response from every function looks like this
[ "name" => "example-image.jpg" "originalName" => "example-image.jpg" "size" => 148892 "width" => 600 "height" => 600 "mime_type" => "image/jpeg" "ext" => "jpg" "url" => "http://localhost/storage/test/example-image.jpg" ]
Usage (File Delete)
File Delete
MediaUploader::delete(<path>, <file_name>, $thumb = false)
$file = MediaUploader::delete('images', $file_name, true); if ($file) { // File is deleted successfully }
Usage (Directory Delete)
Directory Delete
$path = MediaUploader::removeDirectory('images'); if ($path) { // Directory is deleted successfully }
Usage (FIle or Image Exists check)
- FIle/Image Exists
MediaUploader::fileExists(<path>, <file_name>)
if(MediaUploader::fileExists('images', $file_name)) { // }
Usage (FIle or Image URL & Preview)
- FIle or Image Url
MediaUploader::showUrl(<path>, <file_name>)
{!! MediaUploader::showUrl('images', $file_name) !!}
- File Preview
MediaUploader::showFile(<path>, <file_name>, <file_not_found_text|optional>)
{!! MediaUploader::showFile('images', $file_name, $empty_text) !!}
- File Preview from url
MediaUploader::showFileFromUrl(<url>, <file_name|optional>, <file_not_found_text|optional>)
{!! MediaUploader::showFileFromUrl($file_url, $file_name, $empty_text) !!}
- Image Preview
MediaUploader::showImg(<path_or_url>, <file_name>, <array options>)
{!! MediaUploader::showImg($pathOrUrl, $file_name, [ 'thumb' => true, // If thumb image store via upload function. 'popup' => true, // Currently support only jQuery fancybox. 'fakeImg' => 'images/avatar.png', // Pass fake image path without url or pass true (if pass true it will generate fake image from config file fake_image_url value). 'id' => 'image', 'class' => 'img-fluid', 'style' => '', 'alt' => 'Nice Image', ]) !!}