
File rotation utility which rotates and removes old files

v1.0.1 2019-02-02 13:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 07:22:06 UTC


Simple file rotation utility which rotates and removes old files or folders, useful where you cannot use logrotate (e.g. a Windows system) or you want to rotate or delete files based on a timestamp or date contained in the filename.


composer require studio24/rotate


You can use Rotate in two modes: rotate (renames files and removes oldest files) or delete (deletes files according to a pattern).

Import at the top of your PHP script via:

use studio24\Rotate\Rotate;

Setting the filename format to match

Both Rotate and Delete pass in the filename pattern you want to match for in the constructor or via the setFilenameFormat() method. This can be used to match a single file, files matching a pattern, or files with a datetime within the filename pattern.

Rotate only works on files. Delete can also delete folders and recursively deletes any child files in that folder.

Matches on leaf elements

Please note files are matched on the last leaf element. All files in the parent folder are scanned, files (and folders for Delete) are checked to see whether they match the specified pattern.

For example passing path/to/*.log will search for all files ending .log in the folder path/to.

Filename patterns

The following patterns are supported when matching files or folders:

  • debug.log - exact match for a file called debug.log
  • * - matches any string, for example *.log matches all files ending .log
  • {Ymd} - matches time segment in a file, for example order.{Ymd}.log matches a file in the format order.20160401.log

Datetime formats

For datetime formats, any date format supported by DateTime::createFromFormat is allowed excluding the Timezone identifier e and whitespace and separator characters.

Deleting folders recursively

You can also delete folders and all child files that match. This is, however, dangerous so by default no folders can be deleted. You need to explicitly add folder paths that are safe to delete via Delete::addSafeRecursiveDeletePath($path). When using this function you need to use the full absolute path. Use realpath() to expand full paths if you need to.

For example, if you want to delete all folders in /var/www/test/staging/data/logs/ that are 1+ months old:

$rotate = new Delete('/var/www/test/staging/data/logs/old-logs/*');
$files = $rotate->deleteByFilenameTime('1 month');

The above code would allow you to delete folders within /var/www/test/staging/data/logs/ only.


Rotate log files in a similar manner to logrotate.

The following example rotates the file debug.log, this renames debug.log to debug.log.1, debug.log.1 to debug.log.2, debug.log.2 to debug.log.3 and so on. It keeps 10 copies, so it deletes debug.log.10 and renames debug.log.9 to debug.log.10.

use studio24\Rotate\Rotate;

$rotate = new Rotate('path/to/debug.log');

How many copies to keep

Rotate keeps 10 copies of files by default, you can change this via:


Rotated based on filesize

You can only rotate files when they reach a certain filesize, rather than automatically rotate each time the $rotate->run() method is run.



Deletes files based on modification time, datetime in the filename, or based on a custom callback function.


Deletes files based on the modification time. For example, to delete all JPG files in a folder over 3 months old:

use studio24\Rotate\Delete;

$rotate = new Delete('path/to/images/*.jpg');
$deletedFiles = $rotate->deleteByFileModifiedDate('3 months');

The deleteByFileModifiedDate() method accepts either a valid DateInterval object or a relative date format as specified on Relative Formats.

Time format in filename

Deletes files based on the datetime in the filename. For example, to delete all order logfiles with a date in their filename over 3 months old:

use studio24\Rotate\Delete;

$rotate = new Delete('path/to/logs/orders.YYYYMMDD.log');
$deletedFiles = $rotate->deleteByFilenameTime('3 months');

Based on a custom callback

Deletes files based on a custom callback function, this is useful if you need to perform more complex code to assess whether a file should be deleted. For example, to delete all image files called 1000.jpg and below:

use studio24\Rotate\Delete;
use studio24\Rotate\DirectoryIterator;

$rotate = new Delete('path/to/logs/*.jpg');
$deletedFiles = $rotate->deleteByCallback(function(DirectoryIterator $file){
    if ($file->getBasename() <= 1000) {
        return true;
    return false;

The callback function must accept one parameter $file, which is of type \studio24\Rotate\DirectoryIterator.

This iterator has the following methods in addition to the normal SPL DirectoryIterator.

  • isMatch() - whether the current file matches the filename patter we are looking for
  • hasDate() - whether the current file has a datetime within the filename
  • getFilenameDate() - return the datetime from the current file (as a DateTime object)


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
