
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.0) of this package.

An OpenAPI PHP Client. This is under construction, however there is some limited functionality available.

1.0.0 2023-07-27 20:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-27 23:09:50 UTC


An OpenAPI PHP Client. This is under construction, however there is some limited functionality available.

Composer Installation

composer require stuarttodd/openai-php-client

Chat Completions


use Stuarttodd\OpenAiPhpClient\OpenAI;

$apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE";

$response = OpenAI::client($apiKey)
        'model' => 'gpt-3.5-turbo', // if not set, defaults to 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
        'temperature' => 0.9, // if not set, defaults to 0.7
        'message' => 'Tell me you love me' // If not set, defaults to giving you a random Chuck Norris joke
    ->fetch(function($response) { // use of closure is optional
        return json_decode($response)->choices[0]->message->content;

echo $response; // "As an AI, I do not have the capability to feel emotions or love. However, I am here to assist you with any questions or tasks you may have."